Chapter Five: Aunty

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Mia's POV

I followed Uncle Luca into a dark and mysterious was getting dark and I could hear creepy noises from all around. A heavy wind blew through tall green pine trees and I could feel my palms starting to sweat.

Uncle Luca had disappeared and I was all alone in this forest. I was beginning to get quite scared and a strong feeling of someone...or something was watching me.

"Hello?" My voice echoed.

Loud thuds filled the empty air behind me. I turned around immediately and watched as the bushes rustle quickly.

A gasp left my lips and I backed up slowly. In slow motion, a light-colored wolf emerged from the bushes as it crept towards me.

I gulped and let out a small squeal.


He growled loudly and urged forward, stomping on broken branches.

He charges for me and I screamed on the top of my lungs hoping someone would be able to hear me.

I sprint away from the wolf and go deeper into the woods. My feet were hurting from as the hit the ground harshly.

I quickly stop when there was more rustling of leaves in front of me.

Oh no. My breath hitches in my throat and I don't know how to react at the beast that was in front of me. Its black, soulless eyes stared into mine with fury.

I was frozen with shock and covered my mouth to prevent any whimpers from leaving my dry lips. The black fur of the wolf glided across the side of my body as it growled in anger at the other one.

My feet slowly backed away and I closed my eyes to avoid watching the bloodshed. A loud whimper is heard. I opened my eyes with curiosity and screamed when the black wolf bit into the neck of the beige one.

My heart was speeding up and I could feel the blood rush to the tips of my fingers as they were thumping. The beige wolf ran toward me causing me to back up and trip over my own feet. It stood in a stance to protect me, letting loud barks leave is the snout.

The black wolf charged without another thought and rammed into the beige wolf. I shuffled away as far as I could and hit my back against a thin tree. The poor light-toned wolf howled at the sky and sprinted away from me, scurrying off in the dangerous woods.

I stopped breathing in shock and shivered in fear as the black wolf urged closer to me in slow motion. In a few moments, my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen. I started seeing black dots fill the air and my body thumped onto the ground.

There was a slight ringing in my ears and I was slowly blinking, trying to regain my vision. I saw some movement from the corner of my eye, it was a person.

"Jay! Come here!"

I felt the person pat my cheek trying to help me regain consciousness.

"I'm here love, you're alright Mia. You're safe with us."

Her voice was so sweet and smooth, it has a small nasal sound to it.

I closed my eyes and hoped that the stranger would help me instead of hurting me.

Diana's POV

"Jay, you have to carry her back to the Packhouse," I ordered.

My hands dug under her arms as I carried her onto Jay's back. I sat on him with legs on both sides as I kept a strong grip on Mia and his charcoal fur.

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