Chapter Fourteen: You

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Mia's POV
There is a loud fire alarm that frightens me awake. I see Brady jolt up in a swift motion, covering his sensitive ears.

"Ah, what the heck is that?" He hisses out.

I see Mom rush into the room with a worried look on her face.

"There you are, we need to leave. NOW!" She screams.

I start to feel anxious and I see Brady stand on his feet with his hand out for me. I quickly hold onto him and the three of us rush out of the room.

"Mom? What's going on?" I ask with worry.

She stops running and puts an arm up for Brady and me to stop. I see Brady's eyes darken and he holds me closer than usual.

"Rogues!" He yells.

I see the living room window shatter as Jay, Uncle Luca's wolf slides toward the staircase. I let out a small scream and try to rush to him. Brady doesn't let go of my hand, instead, he pushes me back and I see his clothes rip as he shifted in front of me.

"Brady-" He ignores me and I see his full transformation. His wolf looks back at me and shakes his pale fur before sprinting toward Jay.

I follow him closely and watched as he nudged his furry head into Jay's side. It was a sign for him to get up quickly. I knelt down to both of them and hear the kitchen door slam open. Dad is holding a baseball bat with blood on it as I see him lose a wolf behind himself.

Mom sprints to him and grabs a vase that was placed on the coffee table. She slams it into the poor wolf's head and kicks it back into the kitchen with her heel.

"Thanks, honey," Dad says.

She gives him a small peck and looks around for something to use as a weapon I am assuming.

I flinch when I hear bone-crunching noises.  I see Aunt Diana open the front door and have a small blade in her hand.

"Jay, thank goodness you are alright," She breathes out with relief before continuing to speak, "They keep coming from the south side. James is there right now, he needs our help!" She ends.

I see three other wolves come into my view and I stare at them intensely.

"Auntie, watch out!"

She turns around and gets ready to attack. Her hand quickly drops to her side when she realizes who the wolves are. My eyes widen when I realize that it is Blake, Monica, and Frankie.

I kept my attention on Frankie's wolf, seeing his bright grey fur shine in the sunshine. Brady barks at him and runs to me.

"Come on!" Mom yells.

She takes off her heels and sits on top of Monica's wolf. Dad looks at her with confusion and sees Blake's wolf snarl at him. Dad climbs onto his back and almost falls off when Blake's wolf begins to sprint to the south side. I climb onto Brady's wolf and give his head a small peck to ease the jealousy he is feeling.

He rushes out of the Packhouse and I feel the morning breeze hit me like a ton of bricks. I turn my head to see Jay following closely behind us with Aunt Diana on top of him. She looked so badass and I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by her.

We soon come to a quick stop and I gasp at the sight in front of me. It was a massive blood bath and everyone I knew was in the middle of it. Mom had her heels in her hands and was back to back with Dad. I saw another woman who held a small knife in her hand as she stabbed a wolf who came straight at her.

Frankie's wolf was pinned to the ground by an older wolf who looked quite sick. Monica's wolf tackled him and scratched its face with her claws. Frankie gives her a look of thanks then helps his father with the rest.

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