Chapter Eight: Sorry

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Mia's POV

I cleared my throat and explained everything to Uncle Luca as he continued to comfort Aunt Diana. As soon as I finished, I could sense the thickened air when no one dared to speak after me.

"You mean to tell me, you went to the cell without any sort of safety-"

"Well, actually I was there," Frankie cut Uncle Luca off this time.

Uncle Luca looked like he was about to have smoke come out of his ears. He glared deeply at Frankie then gave me a harsh stare afterward.

"Frankie! This is not a joke! I can not believe you would take her there! You know better," The man scolded.

"I'm sorry Dad! I tried to stop her!" He blamed me.

I scoff and fold my arms over my chest in annoyance.

"Well, you didn't try hard enough..." I mumbled.

"Excuse me? If you actually LISTENED to me we wouldn't be in this mess right now!"

"FRANKIE!" The woman soon yelled.

"Look, if you really want to know why I went to that hell hole was so I could see the wolf! I don't know what to do but I can't seem to get him out of my head," I slam my hands against the sides of my head, "He is all I can think about and I can't help it. I wanted to see if he was okay because there is some sort of force that keeps pulling him to me."

Uncle Luca let go of Aunt Diana and pinched the bridge of his nose with stress. The man asked him a question and the woman hugged Aunt Diana this time.

"Could the mutt be her mate?"

"Blake shut it. Let me think." Uncle Luca snapped.

Huh, so this was the famous Blake. That only meant the woman had to be Monica. Aunt Diana wiped her tears then walked up to me and grabbed my hand. I pull it back as soon as another stinging sensation arises.

"Luca, c-can you please look at this?" Aunt Diana asked him.

He quickly stood next to her and kissed her forehead before taking a grasp on my hand and inspecting it carefully. His head turned to Blake and he just looked at him for a minute before nodding silently.

"Mia, go sit on the couch. I am going to wrap this up with some gauze and hopefully, it'll heal before your parents get here," He let go of my hand and hugged Aunt Diana tightly, "Go rest, I'll take care of it from here. We can talk more in the morning baby. I love you,"

They shared a sweet kiss and I was soon left alone with Uncle Luca. Monica pointed to the stairs and spoke loudly to Frankie. I suddenly felt really bad for Frankie and soon guilt started to eat me up. I couldn't help myself from it.

"You are on house arrest until told otherwise. Luna Queen and Alpha King will talk about your consequences with your dad and me."

Frankie walked upstairs with his Mom without another word and I could feel the tension rising even more. I take a seat on the couch and Uncle Luca sat next to me. Blake came back with a bottle of alcohol rub and some gauze. This was going to hurt.

Blake was excused and he left both Uncle Luca and me alone in the living room. I watched intently as he patched up my wound and I couldn't help but stay quiet until he spoke.

"Before you were born, your mother was kidnapped by these bad wolves who worked for my brother. They took her captive and put her somewhere else. Alex and I were kidnapped also but we were stuck in the basement of some building. They tortured me until I literally couldn't do anything."

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