Chapter Twenty-five: Knots

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Mia's POV

"Mia! Your dad is on the phone!" Uncle Luca called out for me in his office.

I took one last bite of my sandwich then jogged up to the office to speak to my father after what seemed like years. I snatched the phone out of Uncle Luca's hands bringing it to my ear to hear the soothing voice of my Dad.


"Hey, Sweet pea! How are you? Are you doing okay?" Dad's voice made my muscles relax in seconds. I knew they were safe and made it back home alive.

"Yes! I'm fine. How's Mom? Did you guys make it back safe?" I wondered.

"Yes, we did. Your mom is doing okay, she misses you so much. I miss you so much,"

A frown formed on my face when he said those words. I truly missed them as well.

"I miss you too."

"Alright darlin', can you give the phone back to your Luca? Fortunately, with Matt's help, we made it home without any complications."

Wait a minute. Matt went with them? I handed the phone back to Uncle Luca with confusion as to why he let Matt go back home with my family. I didn't trust me much and knowing that he was with my mom and dad made my stomach tie up in knots.

Frankie's POV

"Alright, are you ready?" Aiden asked me while grabbing a bag full of a small arsenal.

Alpha had asked Aiden, Daniel, and I to go interrogate the chick who decided to shoot our gamma. We head to the cells that had absolutely no one but the woman who ambushed our damn pack. I was pissed that these humans honestly believed that we were the bad guys.

We soon faced her. She was chained up to the wall in the farthest cell that had nothing but some light from the slight cracks in the walls. Daniel had decided to keep the entrance door open to add more light to the dark hellhole.

"Frankie, hold this."

Aiden tossed the bag to me then wrapped his hands around the cell bars slowly sliding them open. He rushed to the girl to unlock her hands from the chains.

"What are you doing?" I was puzzled that he was basically giving her a free pass to hurt us and run.

"I am going to get these off of you, but you have to do whatever I say. They will kill you if you don't." Aiden ignored me and told the girl what to do.

He whistled at Daniel while snapping his fingers causing Daniel to stand inches away from the two of them. Aiden nodded at Daniel and glanced at the bag in my hands.

Daniel rummaged through the bag in my hands pulling out a bottle of water and some sort of food that was covered in foil. He tossed them to Aiden with ease who caught them seconds before they could hit the cement floor.

The girl nodded slowly with fearful eyes trying to understand what was going on and why we were being so nice to her. To be honest, I was wondering the same damn thing. Aiden unwrapped the foil from the food revealing a plain turkey sandwich then proceeded to open the water bottle for her.

"Please, eat."

She took the sandwich out of his hands biting into it quickly letting out a small moan when she finally got some food in her stomach. Aiden stood up trailing his way back out of the cell then shut it once again.

"What's your name?" He asked politely.

She swallowed harshly then let out a shaky breath trying to comprehend what was happening.

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