Chapter Twenty-six: Karissa

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Brady's POV

"So, how did you get those scars?" I interrogate Alex who crushed leaves under his heavy boots.

"When Alpha King Xavier was alive, he was deeply in love with Diana and snuck into the Packhouse to see her. Luca found out and they had a really when I say really, I mean really bad fight in the Packhouse. We tried to hold them back to avoid anyone from dying, I guess we didn't hold them strong enough...he clawed at my face leaving me these marks,"

Wow, I never realized they had been through so much during these years but those battle scars on Alex's face told a different story. He told me some stories that happened and told me a lot of things about Theo I had never even known about. I mean I didn't have a single good memory with the man. Everything Alex told me was just bad.

"Theo was a very bad rogue, and since he carried Alpha blood it's hard to process that we had actually defeated him. Because of him, Mia almost didn't survive..."

I stopped in my tracks giving him a small glimpse waiting for him to continue as my heart ached at the thought of Mia not being here today...I mean what would have happened if he did kill her?

Alex peeked to the side seeing that I wasn't walking next to him anymore, he turned around and James sighed knowing that I wanted to hear the whole story.

"When the war came, they took Jade from us. We didn't even know where she was, apparently these rogues that worked for Theo bit her and held her captive somewhere. Due to the bite, she went into labor 3 months earlier than she should have. Luckily, Matt was there to save her. He was there when Jade was giving birth and saved not only your mate but your mate's mother," James explained this time.

Matt? I despised the man for making Mia feel so uncomfortable but now that I knew what he did I felt regret for not knowing about this sooner. I wanted to go find Matt and give him a hug to say thank you for saving my mate. Without him, I probably would have never met her.

We walked for a couple more minutes and made it to the lounge that rogues took under their wing. My mother was standing outside as if she knew I was coming back to see her. James stood by my side to warn her that if she tried anything then there would be problems. Alex held a gun in his hand that once belonged to one of the hunters that ambushed the Woods Pack.

My mother gave me a strong embrace leaving a small peck on the cheek. It shocked me especially since I was never used to this kind of affection form her.

"Did you do it?" She whispered in my ear, talking about killing Luca once again.

I shook my head pushing her back with my hands on her shoulders.

"No, we need to talk. Trust me, it is important."

She nodded with a look of worry plastered on her face, she glanced behind me watching James and Alex standing there holding their ground cautiously.

"Who are they?"

"This is Gamma James of the Woods Pack and Alex who is a member of the Woods Pack,"

She pointed to Alex confused, "He's human. That Alpha King allows humans to join his Pack? What is wrong with him?"

I ignored her before being straight forward about what is happening, "Mother, Alpha King Luca has requested to create a peace treaty between our pack and your pack."

"our pack? Why would he want to create a treaty with us now, after many years of this bickering and fighting? Why haven't you ended it yet?" Mother asked with gritted teeth.

"There are hunters. They are going to kill us all if we don't stop them. Please, just listen mother! Come with us back to the Pack and bring everyone, all of the rogues who are suffering here. Alpha King will make sure we will defeat the TRUE enemy." 

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