Chapter Twenty-three: Hunted

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Luca's POV

I was out of breath and stared down at my poor mate who was sweating and shaking in pain due to her deep cut which was getting infected. We had made it back to the Packhouse at the crack of dawn because of my determination to make sure Diana was safe. I had run- no hauled my f*cking ass- to get back to the Pack.

"We made it. You'll be just fine, I am not going anywhere," I reassured myself more than Diana.

The front door opened revealing Aiden, Alex, and Daniel with large bags on their broad shoulders along with silver knives glued to each of their sides. Alex immediately dropped everything and rushed to my aid with no hesitation. I let out a small sigh of relief and Alex tried his best to take Diana out of my arms.

A low snarl thundered out of my body when he attempted to take her out of my hold. I didn't want to let her go for anyone or anything, but my body physically was giving out. Daniel soon followed Alex to make sure I didn't show my frustration through my actions.

"Dude, you got to let her go. Trust me, you look like absolute shit and by the looks of it you don't have another damn step in you."

I glared into his eyes seeing the scars on his neck and eye from 18 years ago that Xavier had left. My gaze softened a tiny bit and I slowly slid Diana out of my arms into Alex's. He rushed her into the house with me trailing closely behind him.

"What is going on? What the hell happened?" Blake was soon in front of me checking to see if I was alright.

"Where is Luna Queen?" Blake asked.

I saw his anxiety raise through the roof as he looked everywhere to see where Diana was until finally, he saw her laying on the couch.

"Call the Pack Doctor. NOW!" I ordered angrily.

No one questioned anything and made sure to get the Pack Doctor here as fast as they possibly could. I jogged to the couch and carried Diana for a moment before settling myself on the couch with her in my hold.

My hand wiped the small strands of black hair out of her face and she moved more into my touch. I didn't even notice the Pack Doctor who was inches away from Diana and me, standing tall in front of both of us.

"Alpha, where is the wound?"

I tried to control my anger and Jay's need to make us shift. Her wound was in a very private and delicate area that it was very difficult for me to let him see it. I basically forced myself to get rid of the tattered shirt that was covering her wound. The Pack Doctor's breath hitched in his throat and he kneeled down staring at the wound longer than needed.

"Are you going stare at your Luna Queen lustfully with me here or are you going to save her damn life?" I growled.

He shook his head quickly tossing his medical bag on the floor grabbing a needle. My attention was turned to Diana's large cut and I could see it starting to become infected quickly. The Pack Doctor grabbed a wipe and put some rubbing alcohol onto it.

"I am going to clean her wound to prevent any bacteria and germs to get into it."

As soon as his hand was near her breast I snatched the piece of loose cloth out of his hand and began rubbing the cut gently myself. I understood that he was trying to do his job, but this jealousy raging into my body made it very difficult to do anything, and now that Diana was natural instinct of becoming more protective than usual was bound to happen.

"It is very deep. Nearly could have killed her if it went any deeper. You need to let me stitch up the cut." He replied trying to stay as calm as possible.

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