Chapter Twenty-one: Left

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Brady's POV

Someone patted my cheek and I could hear the sad sound of sobbing leave the person's mouth. I blinked as soon as the moonlight hit my eyes.

"Brady, p-please wake up. I don't know what to do! I am all alone and I can't do this. Please don't be dead. You can't leave me here Brady." She choked out.

I gasped loudly and my chest rose up and down with countless efforts of getting oxygen to my brain. Mia was the first thing I saw and my heart broke when she sniffled harshly. She shivered while letting out a breath of relief, which was visible in the air.

Her eyes were bloodshot from crying so much and her nose was as red as a firetruck. Her arms wrapped around me, tears still leaving her frail body. Mia climbed into my lap and tightened her grip on me like I would have disappeared the moment she would have let go.

My nude body also shuddered when she touched me with her icy skin. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Shh, I'm okay. I'm here." I comforted her.

She pulled away from my grasp but keeping hers on me still.

"I didn't know what to do! You were throwing up something black and I tried my best to wake you up, but you never did. It's been six hours of me trying to wake you up, I really thought you were gone. Please don't do that again. Uncle Luca and Aunt Diana were taken and he was vomiting as well. The same thing! I had to drag you away from the smoke and f-flames on the dead bodies!" She ranted.

"It's okay, It's okay. We are going to find them. I am going to kill every one of those bastards who took them. I will make sure of it."

Mia nodded slowly trying to stop herself from crying more than she already had. She gave me another strong hug and I inhaled deeply catching a whiff of her alluring scent. Mia rested her hands on my cheeks, our foreheads resting against one another. She brought her left thumb up to the corner of my lip and wiped off the excess tar that stained the corner of my lip.


Mia squinted at me, a look of confusion resting on her beautiful features. I had explained to her about what that deadly inhalant was.

"What?" She asked me.

"It was wolfsbane. It is some sort of flower that is poisonous to werewolves, deadly. It causes this black substance to leave our bodies: tar."

"But there weren't any flowers near the creek. There was nothing but those bodies and water."

She was right there was no flower there what so ever. I tried to think of what could have caused the wolfsbane to release into the air which caused Luca and I distress. I wondered who the f*ck those dickheads were that took him and Luna Queen. I had never seen them before.

"No. There wasn't." I answered her.

"W-was it like the flower Aunt Diana used on you the night they made you go into the cell?" She asked.

I gulped and nodded slowly. Mia scooted closer to me and rested her head in the crook of my jaw and shoulder. I cradled her while thinking of a plan.

"I am so glad you are okay. I did my best to wake you up but tar just kept leaving your nose and mouth. S-some even came out of your eyes," she whispered the last part then she continued, "I dragged you away from there and just laid with you."

Her eyes couldn't release any more tears yet I still wiped the bottom of her eyes giving her lips a slow yet very meaningful kiss.

"You did good, baby. You did well." I reassured her.

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