Chapter Eighteen: Females

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Mia's POV

*****8 hours later*****

"Shh! Quiet!"

Aunt Diana pushes me against a tree and stands in front of me while searching in our surroundings. I feel my breath hitch in my throat when I see two women sprinting in the forest with nothing but undergarments on. A small gag leaves my lips when I smell the harsh scent of rotten eggs.

"Damn it, they are rogues. Why are there so many all of sudden?" Aunt Diana whispers to herself.

I just shrug my shoulders and trying to breathe in and out from my mouth. My eyes wander to the two females that slowly made their way to us. They were beautiful and didn't seem to look like they were sick or even rogues which was odd.

"Auntie, what are we going to do?" I ask her.

Aunt Diana turns to look at me then looks back, I follow her where her attention trails. The two girls had disappeared. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What the-" Aunt Diana starts,

There was a loud snarl next to us and I saw one of the females hit Aunt Diana on the head with a large rock causing her to fall onto the floor at the sudden attack. I back away only to feel my back hit the other woman's exposed skin. I turn around and quickly duck when her claws trying to scratch my face.

"Woah!" I screech.

I crawl away between her legs and try to find a weapon I could use near me. There was absolutely nothing. Aunt Diana was fighting the other woman who was on top of her making countless attempts to eat her.

My blood began boiling and I felt myself getting more infuriated by watching Aunt Diana struggle. I glare at the tall female who tried to harm me and I stand up immediately. She charges at me and I do the same. My hand wraps around her neck as she does the same. My vision was getting blurry but I kept fighting.

I shoved my knee-deep into the side of her stomach causing her to climb off of me. I jump on top of her and look around to see the bloody rock Aunt Diana was struck with. My right hand has a stronghold on her neck while my left-hand tries to grab the rock. It was too far and I couldn't reach it.

I slipped causing the female to flip us around so she was now on top of me. Shit. I turn to see the rock a bit closer to me. I whimper a bit but stretch my arm as much as I could to grab the rock. The woman holds my throat and tightens her grip causing me to have an even harder time to breathe. I felt the rough touch of the rock and quickly swung it right into the side of her head.

She howls in pain causing me to cower a bit. I swing the rock on her head once again knocking her out cold. Aunt Diana screams a bit and I see the other female's claws dug deep into her waist. I limp my way to both of them and tackle the female off of Aunt Diana.

I punch her face as hard as I could and keep punching her.

"No one hurts my AUNT!" I scream.

Aunt Diana pulls me off of the female rogue and shoves a knife into her chest causing her last howls to be left within seconds. She lets out a heavy breath and falls down onto the ground coughing up some blood.

"No no no no Auntie."

I help her stay up and put pressure on her wounds.


"Shh, I have you, don't worry I will help you. Dad taught me how to clean out wounds, we just need to find a body of water nearby."

"King's lake." Aunt Diana choked out.

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