Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought? I mean he was trying to make up for last time.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went on to drinking my iced tea that was actually perfect. In fact it was the best iced tea I'd had ever. I almost choked on it when he pulled out a little worn out rag doll. I didn't choke instead I threw up. All over myself and the table and on him.

My face flushed from embarrassment.
"I am so, so sorry." I say hiding behind my hands. I felt terrible, though I couldn't tell if it was because I threw up or because of the rag doll in Tommy's hand.

"It's okay." He said grabbing a napkin to wipe himself off and then the table. He hesitated but came over to help me clean up.

Of course I could have done it myself but I was in shock. A million thoughts swirling around my head.
How did he get that? Was that my rag doll? I don't understand...
Did we know eachother before?
Does he know about Lowell?
And the spade, does he have it?

" did you get that?" I ask confused but confidentiality.

" recognise it?" He asked with a hint of happiness in his eyes.

I shook my head slowly.
"It looks the one I g-gave to my fri-friend a long ti-time ago." I stuttered out.
Usually people wouldn't think much of it, thinking maybe it was the same but mine, mine was made by my grandma. It was especially made for me.

"Can I...take a closer look?" I ask timidly. I haven't a clue why but I was scared. Was he a grave robber or something because I know Lowell was buried with that doll.

"Yeah of course it's yours after all." He said muttering the last part under his breath. I was unable to hear what he said but I was to distracted by the doll that was now in my grasp to care.

I brought the doll up to my eyes to analyse every little detail. She looked more worn out than she had when I was younger, I guess that was to be expected as last time I saw her I was fourteen. Her auburn brown hair was long and tangled. Her once paper white skin was grey with dirt and so was her dress. The colours had faded and her bright red ribbon was missing but other than that she was the exact same. She even still had her sweet lavender scent. I loved lavender when I was little so my grandma scented her.

"Molly..." I say in something just above a whisper. I brought her close to my chest and squeezed her tightly.

"Why do you have this? Where did you even get this? Tommy are you a grave robber?" I ask still somewhat scared.

"God it really is you!" He whispered to himself more than me. He had an amazed look in his eyes. He sat down on the chair across from me.

"Y/n m/n l/n" he said with a smile. I was shocked, I never told him my middle name. The only one who knows my middle name is....

"Lowell?" I whisper leaning towards him a little.
He couldn't be..could he?
No Lowell's dead. He's always been dead..
"Tommy this is a sick joke you jackass!" I say shoving his shoulders harshly.

The smile on his face faded slightly. "Y/n I'm not kidding. I'll explain everything." He said looking around skepticaly. "Just not here. C'mon." He said standing up again and extending his hand.
I don't know why I did what I did but I took his hand. I was in a world of my own just thinking, as he dragged me off to an unknown area.

This can't be happening.
This isn't Lowell, he had brown hair that was curly all over not just the front and his eyes were easy blue not silver grey. There skin tone was alike I guess but Tommy had more of a tanned tint to his.
Is this a sick joke, it's not funny.

the best friend (Beetlejuicexreader) (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now