"You know how much it bothers me and then you kept this from me!", he fumes.

"This happened before we dated, Taehyung. What don't you understand? I can't go back into the past and change things. I didn't know I'd end up dating you!", she argues.

"I'm not asking you to change things, I just want to know why you didn't tell me!"

"Oh, I don't know", she says sarcastically in a dramatic tone, "Maybe because I knew you'd react like this!"

"How else am I supposed to react?", he huffs bitterly.

"You know what? I don't have time for this", she snatches her phone and gets up from the couch, "Let me know when you've come to your senses."

Ever since the huge pregnancy scare blew over, Jimin and Aya's relationship has never been better. Going through that definitely brought them closer and now that they're all about protection, they can truly enjoy being intimate with one another. Saying Aya has been well-schooled over the last month would be an understatement, although she still tends to be very shy and vanilla in bed. The two of them are all over each other all the time.

Being the boyfriend Jimin is, he wants to surprise her with a little gift. A little something that he can benefit from as well.

The quarantine regulations never being that strict in South Korea anyway and the situation getting better in their country, he decides to head out to a local mall one morning. He goes alone, with a mask and a hat, knowing the chances of him getting recognized aren't very high as the whole mall seems like a desert town. Not many people go clothes shopping during a pandemic. Heading right towards the store he planned to visit, he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his skinny jeans.

Everything seems a bit overwhelming at first, although it's not his first time in a store like this. Various sets of lingerie and panties in bright colors decorate the place, making it hard to focus on one thing. It's pretty much the Victoria's Secret of Seoul and it's hard to know where to look as a man.

Strolling through the aisles, admiring all the lace sets, he knows he won't be able to choose just one. Picturing Aya in most of these, makes his heart skip, suddenly feeling a bit warm in the quaint shop.

"Welcome, sir. How may I help you?", a sweet voice sounds out next to him. He turns to find a young retail associate smiling at him.

"Oh, um...", he doesn't want to be recognized, but he could use an opinion, "What do you think of this?"

Taking a bright lilac lingerie set, that frills out into a skirt at the bottom, he holds it up from one of the displays for the clerk to see.

"For you, sir?", she asks surprised.

"Ah, no!", he laughs out at the idea, covering his mouth as he giggles, "No, I'm not shopping for myself."

"Oh, I'm sorry", she realizes her mistake and manages an embarrassed smile, "I think it's very cute, sir."

"Do you have anything else similar to this?", he then asks.

"Of course", she nods, "I'll gather some for you. What size are you looking for?"

"Um...", Jimin blushes, thinking back to when he sneakily checked out Aya's bra size before coming here, "32A, please."

The store clerk quickly gets to work, gathering a huge pile of undergarments and lingerie before showcasing the pieces for him. In the end, it's so difficult for him to decide, he buys about ten different sets. Happy with the huge sale she's made, the clerk rings him up, thanking him profusely before he leaves the store.

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