XXIX. Tom Riddle

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The One with Clarity

Tom glances over his shoulder when a Ravenclaw is answering Slughorn's question. His eyes linger on your icy blue eyes when you answer the question.
     "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them," you say, causing Slughorn to smile widely.
     "Well done, Miss L/N!" Slughorn beams, "well, class if you will form a line." Tom watches you walking past him and he smells the scent of mint mixed with chocolate. He shook off the feeling and waited in the line.
     He smells the potion and smirks satisfied. The scent of poison, blood, and books. Another smell made its way inside his nostrils. The one of mint mixed with chocolate.

That Saturday night, Tom attends the Slug party. He genuinely hated it, but always succeeded to fake his smile.
     When he enters the room, the smell of mint and chocolate fills his nose trills. His eyes scan the room and there you stan - in a simple royal blue dress.
     The Slytherin felt his heart skip a beat when his eyes crossed yours. Ice blue with chocolate brown. You sent him a small smile. Tom, being the gentleman, walks over and offers you a drink.
That's when it all started.

Tom stood near the window, his hands resting on his back. He had succeeded in splitting his soul, making him an immortal soul. Yet, his mind was somewhere else. On the half-blood Ravenclaw with the icy blue eyes.
     "My Lord?" a female voice reaches his ears. He turns around to face the woman who has been obsessed with him the moment she met him. "Lestrange." Her smile disappears and informs him what he needs to hear. The name L/N fell and his cold heart melted the slightest.
     "Get them, I want them alive and unharmed." His demand is clear and sharp. Soon he will see you again, the corner of his mouth twitches into smirk by the idea.
     Bellatrix left her Lord in the room, feeling angry with that L/N. Lord Voldemort should be looking at her instead of that betrayer. She will learn you a lesson the moment she lays her eyes on you.

Bellatrix was leading the hunt, desperately searching for the betrayer. ''Wait, I can sense her,'' says one of the snatchers, Scabior. He nods and scans the area, ''they are close.'' ''Remember, we need them alive and unharmed,'' Bellatrix tells in a rather bored voice.
     ''They must have used a shield to hide them,'' Scabior deducts. He stood very close to you and you had to hold to breath. ''I can smell her. Mint and Chocolate,'' he says in ecstasy as he smells again. It made both you and Bellatrix want to vomit.
     You saw them walking around, holding your breath because he was standing close.

Slowly but well, the shield started to disappear. One of the snatchers that were patrolling the area, raised his wand to inform Bellatrix. Bellatrix came gambolling, like a small child, and cracked an evil laugh.
     ''Take them, she's mine,'' she smirks towards you. You swallow harshly as Bellatrix stalks closer, like a hunter over its prey. ''Let's go back,'' she snarls, grabs your arm. There followed a loud crack and you were gone. Bellatrix threw you on the floor and immediately pinned you down.

''Make one sound and I'll kill within the second,'' Bellatrix hisses and rolls your sleeve. She grabs her small dagger and your eyes widen when it clicked. You felt the cold metal stinging into your skin. You squirm under the strong grip of Bellatrix, trying hard not to make any sound.
     The carving felt like forever and you slowly started to lose your consciousness. ''BELLATRIX LESTRANGE! EXPLAIN YOURSELF NOW!'' A voice like a foghorn filled the room, causing Bellatrix to shrink and drops her dagger. She knew to whom that voice belonged. You tilt your head in the direction of the sound and vaguely saw a tall man.
     ''How dare you to treat her like this?! Haven't I told you not to harm anyone and I needed everyone alive!'' His voice was back to normal decibels, but still raised. He walks down the stairs. ''Why do you care of this filthy half-blood?!'' Bellatrix shot back. She looks at Tom's clenched jaw and really thought he was attractive.

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