XII. Tom Riddle Pt. 2

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The One in the Afterlife

Tom's sort of a demon or something. Anyways, he can change his eyes colour.

Last time

"My condolences, Mr. Wood. Life has taken its price for Y/N," Professor McGonagall says - her voice full of sorrow.

From heaven, Y/N looks at Oliver. You feel sorry for him, but you promised Dumbledore. You couldn't do this, so when you killed Tom, you killed yourself.
     "Y/N?" a voice says. You turn around to see a familiar figure.



"Tom, I... I can explain," you say in angst. He takes a step closer while you take a step back. His expression is unreadable.
     You feel a wall in your back, 'shit.' Tom comes closer and closer. Your eyes didn't look at his, but at the ground.

Tom pulls up your chin by his fingers - looking in his eyes. They have a slight hint of emerald. "I am enraged, Y/N." His voice was too calm - which is more scary.
     He gazes in your E/C eyes - which he always adores. Seeing this angst, his anger ebbs away. He sighs deeply, turns around and walks away - leaving you shocked behind.

"Wait!" you say - causing Tom to stop in his tracks. "Why are you walking away without hexing me?" you ask. You walk next to him and he looks down at you.
     "I... I don't know," he says - not trusting his own brain nor heart. "Tell me," you say, "I want to get to know you." Tom's heartbeat sped up.

"Why?" he snarls, "only because you don't have anybody else?" He speeds up his pace. "No, because I remembered you when we were younger." Tom froze in his tracks.
     He turns around - seeing the girl he has been in love with since the moment he saw her. He had pushed it all away when you rejected his offer at that time. Making everything clear for his plan, but his plan has failed. Just as his love for you.

"I don't," he simply says and continues on walking. His heart and brain are fighting with each other - causing Tom to feel very weird plus a bit guilty. He isn't the only one who struggles with their feelings.

You knew your feelings towards Oliver are impossible. Tom is quite handsome... 'wait what?' 'He said he was enraged, but his eyes weren't as emerald as when he tortured me.' *gasp.


"Crucio!" the spell hit you, screaming in pain. When it stopped, you lied on the floor - tears falling down on the floor.
Then you see Tom, standing before you - his eyes are emerald green. He's enraged. "How dare to love him!" he yells. "I do not understand!" you yell back.
"Crucio!" He yells and the spell hits you - you're screaming in agony. "Don't you understand?!" he pants, "we met sixty years ago. I fell in love with you, but you denied to love me back. I was the one who put you asleep."

End flashback

To the world - you are a ghost. However whose in heaven, is real to each other. You decided to "visit" Oliver - in the common room. He sits near the fire - his knees pull up to his chest, rocking back and forth.
     You walk up closer to see that he has been crying. 'Oh, Oliver.' you thought, you laid your hand on his cheek. Oliver's eyes shot up - he felt something on his cheek. Like someone was caressing his cheek.

An idea popped in. You grab your wand, starting to write in the air.

Oliver I'm here with you.

You hear him gasping. The first person he could think of, "Y/N?"

Yes, it's me.

Tears well up in your eyes. "I never had the chance to say it. I love you," he whispers - tears rolling down his cheeks.

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