VII. Remus Lupin

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The One with Depression

''Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts,'' Professor Dumbledore - the headmaster - starts, ''before dinner, I want to introduce you to our new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Remus Lupin!'' Everyone claps when the newest teacher rises to his feet to present himself.
     You sit at the Hufflepuff table, eating in silence. You look up to the staff table, locking your eyes with Professor Lupins. He smiles warmly at you and you return a little smile.

The first class of Professor Lupin was... not that fun, at least not for you. He started with the spell, Ridikulus, for defeating a boggart. Which turns into your greatest fear.
Your boggart turned into something really bad. It turned into a dementor. You froze at the moment, not be able to do something. Professor Lupin jumps in front of you, causing the dementor to disappear.
The dementor turned into a silvery orb. "Ridikulus," Professor Lupin says firmly. The orbs disappear. "Okay, that's enough for the day. You're all dismissed." Everyone is starting to leave the classroom, including you. "Not you, Ms. L/N. Can I have a word with you?"

Professor Lupin gave you a piece of chocolate. "Eat it, it will make you feel better," he says with a warm smile. You accept the chocolate, taking a little bite.
     "Do you know why your boggart is a dementor?" Lupin asks after a little silence. "I've heard them scream," you say, staring. "Who have you heard screaming?" Lupin asks curiously, yet concerned.
Your eyes locking with his. "My parents," you say, fighting your tears.

Five weeks. It's been five weeks and Pansy hasn't done anything to you. Of course, she made fun of you, she always did.
Professor Lupin is helping you with the boggart by learning you to create your patronus. This is happening outside your schedule, but you don't mind. Let's say that you haven't that many friends and you aren't that popular. You like to be alone, to be all by yourself.

After lunch, you make your way to Professor Lupin's class. Only, someone interrupts you by pulling you into a cupboard. Before you see who it is, you are thrown to a wall, collapsing on the floor.
     "You thought we finally left you alone," Pansy snarled. You hear two others, giggling. Pansy kicks you in the stomach. The other two follows Pansy's example by kicking you. You tried to defend yourself, but it had no use.
     Slowly you lost your sight. Seeing black spots. You crawl your way out of the cupboard. You see two pairs of feet, running your way. Before you could see who these were, your vision became black.

You open your eyes, seeing that you are in the hospital wing. You look aside to see Professor Lupin - in a chair and asleep. You tried to sit up, causing you to flinch in pain. You suddenly realize something, causing you to roll up your sleeves. You see the scars, hoping that nobody has seen them. ''What if somebody did see?'' you ask quietly, but apparently not quiet enough. Professor Lupin jolted awake, his eyes fluttered open.
     ''Ms. L/N, how are you feeling?'' he asks. ''Not very well,'' you reply. Without you noticing, a tear's escaping your eye. You quickly wiping away, hoping he didn't notice. Yet, he saw. ''What's wrong?'' he asks concerned. You don't answer and look at the blanket.

''I've seen the scars, Ms. L/N,'' Lupin comments after a moment silence. You don't answer, still looking at the blanket. Fiddling with it. "Y/N, look at me," Lupin says. You looked up in surprise, just because he said your surname. "You can always talk to me," he assures you. His hand reaches out - for your cheek - to wipe a tear away.
"You're probably asking what happened, aren't you?" you ask with a cracking voice. "Of course I am, but I'm not forcing you." "That's sweet of you, thank you." Another silence followed and Lupin just says there.

"Pansy Parkinson has always been bullying me - since first year," you say - again - looking at the blanket, instead of Professor Lupin. "Did she do this to you?"
     You look up to meet Lupin's eyes. You nod, "it has never been gone this far." "Does anyone knows?" You shake your head, "no. I often go to Hagrid's - just to get away from everybody."
     "Your parents? Don't they know?" Boom, wrong question. "My parents," your voice is cracking, "are dead." You avoid eye-contact with Lupin. "Pathetic, right? No parents. No friends. Being bullied. Not wanting to live," you mumble that last part.
     "I didn't hear the last part clearly," Lupin says, shocked about what he might have heard. "No... nothing," you stumble, but Lupin isn't satisfied with the answer.

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