VIII. James Potter

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The One with the Cousin

"At least you know someone," your mother encourages. You fake a smile, she means your cousin. You haven't seen him in ages?
You're entering - for the first time - King's Cross station, making your way to platform 9 3/4. "Mom, I haven't seen him in a decade or something." "You'll recognise each other, you're family after all." she's too happy.
The reason why it's your first time in the Hogwarts Express is that your parents had moved to England. Causing you to transfer from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts.

You board the Hogwarts Express, finding a compartment empty. You have settled down, ready for the trip.
The door opens to reveal this boy. "Hi, may I sit here? The other compartments are crowded," he smiles awkwardly. "Yeah sure," you say with a little smile. You see the boy, admitting that he's handsome.
"So? I have never seen you before, transfer?" the boy asks. "Yeah, I'm from America, Ilvermorny. My parents moved to England and I was stuck with them. So here I am," you chuckle playfully, causing the boy to laugh. "Cool, which house were you in?" he asks curiously. "Wampus."
"You'll be sorted Gryffindor for sure!" he says enthusiastically. You chuckle once more at his behaviour, "I guess you're a Gryffindor?" He nods proudly.
"My name's James, by the way," he says shaking your hand. "Y/N," you smile. You recognised that name, but no bells started to ring.

"See you later," he says with a wink. 'Did he just wink?' You thought confused. You had to follow Professor McGonagall - she's tall, severe-looking, and has grey hair tied up in a tight bun.
"You'll be sorted in one of the four houses; Gryffindor. Slytherin. Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw. The sorting ceremony will be starting soon," she told you, she acted nice towards you.

James's POV

As soon as I left the compartment, I was thinking of that girl. Her name sounded familiar some way, but couldn't put my finger on it.
"Prongs, where were you mate?" Padfoot asks and punches me friendly in the shoulder. "On the Hogwarts Express," I suppress a grin. Padfoot rolls his eyes, "which compartment? With who?"
They joined their friends at the Gryffindor table. "I've met this girl on the train. She's a transfer, I think she in a lower year," James explains. Moony and Wormtail are curious about what's happening. "Found a new firecracker?"

The sorting ceremony started. I spot Y/N between the first years. "Y/N L/N!" Professor McGonagall calls. My eyes widen, now I see. "Bloody hell," I whisper out loud. "What's wrong?" Padfoot asks curiously. "No... nothing," I stutter.
"Hmmm, a beautiful set of brains. Ah, I see courage and loves to play Quidditch. A seeker I see. Hmm, this is a hard one," the hat mumbles. "Seeker? She's a seeker! Competition, prongs," Moony whispers.
"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yells. Everyone on the Gryffindor tabel cheered for her - including me. She spotted me and walked over. She smiles and sit next to me. "Well, this is Y/N," I say with a little smile.
'She has changed into a goddess, bloody hell,' I thought. "Prongs, hey, Potter!" Moony calls. I look at Y/N - she has a shocked face. "Bloody hell," she says shocked. I smile innocently, "hi. How's aunt and uncle?" I ask carefully.
I notice that my friends are in shock too. "G... good, and with yours?" "G...great, they had told me you were a transfer, but... I haven't seen you for such a long time," I stutter. She has that little cute smile on her face. 'No, she's your cousin. Leave it.' But I couldn't help it...

End James's POV

'Bloody hell, is that James? How?!' you thought. 'He has grown and he has a cute face.' You could tell your cheeks were a shade of pink.
His friends had introduced themselves and they seemed nice. They already wanted to give you a nickname, but couldn't find one that fitted you.

A few weeks after the very beginning of the year. "Wolfs!" Prongs calls. You enter the Great Hall for breakfast, smiling to James.
You have to admit, you have developed feelings for your freaking cousin - not a big one - but no one knows. Not even the Marauders.
Fun fact: Moony had caught you, in another form. In your wolf form. You're an animagus, that's why the nickname. Also, you and the Marauders have pulled many pranks, which made you the fifth marauder.

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