VI. Sirius Black

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The One with the Soulmate

Fifth-year in Hogwarts. In the House of the Lions with Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. The four boys call themselves the Marauders, only no one knows why.

     Your best friend - Lily Evans - doesn't really like them, except Remus. She thinks he is the mature one of the four, and he is the other prefect of the Gryffindor house - besides her.
     You weren't that close to the Marauder until the Sirius Black started to talk to you, in the Hogwarts Express. You were quite surprised when Sirius started talking to you.
     Besides the fact that you are wizards, soulmates are also a thing. You haven't found yours yet, just like Lily, James, and Sirius. Remus's soulmate is a metamorphmagus, named Nymphadora Tonks. Peter has a Hufflepuff girl.

"Hey, Y/N! Come sit with us!" Sirius calls you, gesturing to come to sit at the table with the Marauders. You stop in hesitation because you and Lily are supposed to sit together. Only, you spot her sitting with Severus at the Slytherin table. You shrug and walk to the four boys.
     When you sit next to Sirius, you hear the subject they are discussing. "Still haven't found your soulmate, have you?" you ask curiously when grabbing a piece of toast. "No," he sighs deeply.
     "When do you even know you have found your soulmate?" you ask. "Well, it might have many reasons. You only don't know," he nervously laughs. "Well, I didn't get any wiser," you laugh.

You spend your free period at the library, editing your Transfiguration essay. Suddenly - for one second - you don't see your essay. You saw something else, only you didn't know what or how. It looked like a classroom.
     You decided to finish your essay. If you find Lily, you have to talk to her. Your feet got all sleepy of the uncomfortable position you were in to. Cross-legged.

Meanwhile at DADA class; Sirius is spastically moving his feet. "Padfoot, what on earth are you doing?" James asks confused. "My feet got all sleepy. It is annoying," he groans.
     During his class; he suddenly - for one second - sees something else than his horrible handwriting. "Are you okay, Paddy?" James asks a bit worried. Sirius nods, a bit dizzy.

After dinner, you have told Lily that you have to speak to her. You sat in the girl's dormitory, where no one could hear you.
     "I had spent my free period at the library, editing my essay for Transfiguration," you start. Lily nods understanding. "Only, for one second I see something else than my essay," you say, waiting for Lily to nod.
     "Wait what?" she asks confused, "You saw something else than your essay? What did you see?"  "I cannot really tell. It was some sort of classroom, that's it."
     "Maybe it has to do with the fact of having a soulmate, here at Hogwarts," Lily says, getting all excited.

Meanwhile; "so, you saw something else than your horrible handwriting?" Remus asks to be sure. "Yes," Sirius says.
     Remus shrugs, "maybe your soulmate is here. At Hogwarts."  "Well, I would be thrilled to meet her," Sirius says with a smile. "Me too," James says, "only, I don't know anything about her."
     "When did you know it was Tonks?" James asks. Remus begins to smile by hearing Tonks's name. "Well, it went just like yours. Starting to look through each other's eyes. I did notice the same scars. Where I had a scar, she had."  "How long did it take to see other?" Sirius asks. "A week," he laughs.

The next day wasn't anything special. You followed your classes, Sirius followed his classes. Did some talking during lunch and dinner. You sit with Lily in the library, finishing your potions essay. You look out of the window to see a full moon, you always admired space.
     You fix your gaze back on your essay. Only, you didn't see your essay. You hear vague voices but can't place what they are saying. You see animals, one's jumping right at you. ''Y/N,'' you hear Lily saying, but you can't do anything. Everything became black.

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