II. Severus Snape

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The One with the Patronus

Being a teacher at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is that every day is a new experience.
     You see this school from another perspective than a few years ago. You have spent seven years at this school, in the house of the Snakes. Even though you weren't as cunning as the average Slytherin student, you had something special. You were/are a master in potions, which made you Snape's favorite. That has never happened before, yet it's possible.

You being a teacher at Hogwarts was a new thing for you. Especially the names... You always had to call them Professor. Now you have to call them by their first name, which is strange the first time. You look at the Slytherin table, reliving memories.
     Professor Snape, uh, Severus snapped you out of your daydream. "How was your day from this point of view," he asks monotonously, yet gentle.
Your arrival at Hogwarts once again, brought you and Severus close to each other. He took you 'under his wing', like you were one of his students he had to take care of. You were still his favorite student, and now his favorite colleague.

     After Dolores had left as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Severus happily took her place, which meant a new potion master was needed. Severus had mentioned you to Albus Dumbledore, who agreed to the idea of you being the new potion master of Hogwarts.
"My day? It was great, seeing all these students - struggling with making their potions," you smile, which made Severus smile too. "It is always amusing to see students making potions." "One student really stands out," you say, causing Severus to furrow his brow. "And who might that be?" "Draco Malfoy. He was the first student who was done brewing his potion. Plus, it was correctly brewed," you say while looking at the boy. "Interesting."
"How was your day as professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts?" you ask curiously. "Interesting, I have learned third years the Riddikulus spell," he says. You smile by a thought, "what are you smiling about, Y/N?" Severus asks narrowing his eyes playfully. "I remembered that moment when we had Remus for that spell. Somebody was wounded by Buckbeak and was bored in his class. We had to copy Remus's words, then he made the comment;' This class is Ridiculous.' It was just so iconic." You saw a smile, playing around his lips.

"May I have all your attention?" Albus begins, the students focused their gaze on the Headmaster. "Before dinner will appear on the tables, I have to make an announcement. Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such time as Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way.
Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason, to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." Albus looks  - through his half-moon spectacles - at the students with a stern look. With one swing of his wand, dinner appeared on the tables.

After dinner, you went to the teacher's dorm, which was new to you. You almost wanted to walk to the Slytherin dormitory, pure automatically. You went to bed early, falling asleep after half an hour.

     "Y/N?" your mother calls. You can hear that she has been crying. You sped up to the kitchen, "what's wrong, mom?"
It was Halloween, 1981. Your older sister has moved to Godric's Hollow with her husband, James. They had a baby, named Harry. "Your sister died -," your mother tried to say what happened but she burst out in tears. "Is... is Lilly dead?" you say with tears welling up in your eyes.
"Mom, what happened?" you ask, you need to know. "She died, protecting Harry. The Who-shall-not-be-named wanted to kill the baby, but Lilly's love - for Harry - rebounced the curse. Harry survived, but James and Lilly gave their life."

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