XV. Tom Riddle

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The One with the Kiss

"McGonagall, Y/N!"
Now it was your turn to step out of the line. Nervously you sat on the stool as your mother puts on the hat. The hat notices this immediately - making a bit of joke to cheer you up. You examines the students - noticing a slender chocolate brown haired boy. His eyes are fixed on your.
"GRYFFINDOR!" A wide smile graced her lips when she hears her house.

"Riddle, Tom!"
A tall chocolate brown haired boy stepped forwards. His face directed towards the students. The hat is put onto his head. As the hat started to mumble - Tom's gaze went to the Slytherin table.
"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted. The Slytherin table cheered and clapped as Tom went to sit down - with a satisfied grin on his face.

Tom had caught his eye on the Gryffindor and observed you in the first year. Your friends had made clear that the Slytherin had glanced at you, many times.
     So, you decided to take the first step by sitting next to him in class. To his surprise and many others, because a snake and a lion. That news spread like a fire through the school. Your mother has caught the news too and smiled.

You both grew close, not paying attention to the googly eyes from the students. Tom started to have a crush on you and became jealous at every boy who dared to talk to you. He usually got a hold of your hand when he was with you.

Years passed and you have developed a crush on the Slytherin. At the start of year five, all prefects had to gather in the train for prefect information. You weren't surprised Tom was also a prefect, He is the perfect student.
     You noticed you couldn't take your eyes of the Slytherin boy. You tore your eyes away from him as soon as he looked at you. A blush would have crept up your face.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?" Professor McGonagall asks kindly. You nod and follows your mother to her office.
     She sits on her desk and you suddenly realise what she is going to say. You spoke before she could say anything, "I assume you have heard the commotion between the lion and the snake."
     Your mother smiles and nods, "yes. I wanted to talk to you about that." "I'm ready to answer every question." "Do you like him?" "Yes, I think I do," you smile.

The two fifth years had their weekly prefect patrolling and strolled through the castle.
     Tom walks around the corner as he feels someone bumping into him. His first reaction was cold and cruel, ''why are you not in the common room?''
     You, who had bumped into him, recognised his cold manner and replied, ''because I am on prefect patrolling, Tom.'' You gaze up to see the surprise in his eyes.

He was caught off guard when he realised it was you. His cheeks reddened as he also noticed that you had called him for the first time by his first name.
     ''You called me by my first name for the first time,'' he comments, raising a brow. ''Yeah,'' you chuckle softly, "I like Tom more than Riddle. Plus, I've been calling you Riddle for the past four years.''

He chuckles about how you like his first name, while he disgust the name Tom. It reminds him of filthy muggle father. Yet, somehow the girl manages to ease that disgust.
     "Then it'll be time for me to call you by your first name, Y/N.'' His smooth voice sends shivers down your spine. The way your name rolled off his tongue, was just so smooth and silky.
     ''We should probably continue our patrol, Tom,'' you say and attempt to pass him. However, Tom doesn't allow this by placing his hand on the wall. You cock your head aside to gaze in his choclate brown eyes. ''Why? Everyone should be in bed and not wondering through these halls.''

''Then what exactly did you have in mind?'' you question, raising a brow, as your back fully leans against the wall. Let's use this opportunity, shall we? his mind told him. He places his other hand on the wall, causing you to be trapped between him and a wall. He locks his brown eyes with your E/C ones.
     He takes a step closer and towers over you, yet you don't feel intimidated. You just kept starring in his eyes. Tom shifts his eyes to your lips and back. You notice and bite your lip, waiting for his move. Which he did.

Tom leans in closer and captures his lips with yours, for the very first time. Merlin, why haven't I done this earlier. Your lips felt so soft en they tasted like strawberries. Sadly enough, the human body need oxygen. Tom pulled back and wasn't aware of his closed eyes until he opened them.
     As he opens them, he is met by her E/C ones. He watches as a smile graces the lips he just kissed. You watch Tom's lips curl into a smile. Salazar, that was just... amazing. Realisation hit you and a blush crept up your face.

You eye your watch and see the patrol has officially ended. ''Well, my patrol has just ended,'' you yawn, ''I should go back or the prefect will catch me outside bed.'' Being bold enough, you wink as you turns around. Tom extends his hand to grabs your wrist and pulls you back.
     As you had foreseen it, your arm slung around his neck as you crashed your lips on his - one more time. Tom snakes his free arm around your body, keeping you close. Their lips moved in sync until they were out of air and pulled away. ''Goodnight, Tom,'' you smile and wink. ''Goodnight, Y/N.''

The next morning you took place at the Gryffindor table, earning smirks from your friends. "What?" They turn around to the Slytherin table. You follow their eyes and you see a flustered Tom, one hand playing with his hair. He gazes at you and then it hits you. They know.
"Oh no," you whisper. You shift your eyes from Tom to the higher table, where your mother sits there - smiling. "So, how was it?" Your cheeks reddened as they ask you this question. "I... uh..." you stammer, wanting to disappear.

You watch Tom going through the same hell as you. "Hey, stop looking at your lover and answer the question," they all tease you. Your cheeks couldn't even turn more red than they already were.
You and Tom were basically the topic of the day. Most of them couldn't believe that Tom had taken a like of someone. A Gryffindor to be specific. It was quite irritating you, so you called their attention at the beginning of dinner

Tom stands next to you. "To everyone who didn't believe the rumours, here you go!" You turn towards Tom and kiss him, causing everyone to screech. You pull back and smile to him before turning back tot the students.
"Now get over it!"

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