XVIII. Newt Scamander

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The One with the Crush

''Newt, let me help you,'' you say, lowering his book, which he is holding in front of his face. His face was crimson red, ''okay.'' His voice was small and quiet. You let out a sigh of relief, you've been trying to convince him for like a week.
Newt looks at you in awe, but quickly turns away when you turn to him. You took notice of his flushed face and you thought it was kind of cute.
     ''Will you help me with Care of Magical Creatures then?'' you ask, your eyes shifting to his. He develops a smile on his face, ''of course! I would love to!'' You chuckle at his adorable reaction, ''thank you.''
     That is how the study began. In the library, in the tower where Newt kept his creatures to care for or in the common room.

''You can do this, Newt,'' you soothe the boy next to you, ''but you have to eat something.'' Newt surveyed his untouched plate. He tilts his head to look you in the eyes, ''I-I'm just very nervous.'' You wrap your arms around him, ''you'll be alright. You knew everything perfect.''
     Newt felt his face getting hot when you wrapped him in an embrace. His pupils dilated. His heart skipped a beat by your touch. His hands were getting sweaty. ''You can do this,'' you comment as you pull back, ''but now eat something.''

The next three hours were full of concentration. Their first exam was Charms, which was distinguished in a written- and a practical portion.
     You have finished your exam earlier than Newt and waited outside. Newt searches for you when he walks out of the hall. ''How did it go?'' you ask as soon as you spot him. He turns around to see you sitting on a bench.
     ''It went pretty good,'' he smiles. You smile, ''that's great to hear!'' You both walk to the tower where Newt keeps his creatures. Once you have arrived, the niffler ran to you and clung itself to your leg. ''It has grown fond of you,'' Newt chuckles.

''Oh, hi, Pickett.'' You shift your eyes to your shoulder, where the bowtruckle is sitting. ''Every creature has grown fond of you,'' he chuckles, causing you to chuckle too. Newt watches you in awe as you play with the creatures.
     ''Y/N?'' Newt blurts, his eyes widening at his own boldness. You tilt your head, ''yes?'' ''The creatures are not the only one who has grown fond of you. I-I might h-have done that t-too, I-I began to like y-you,'' Newt stutters cautiously, surveying the floor.

You were stunned and had to blink a few times to let it all sink in. Newt lifts his eyes to you and shifts them back to the floor. You carefully rose on your feet and Newt thought you were going to leave.
     You walk to Newt and sit down in front of him. You lift his chin by your finger, forcing him to look you in the eyes. You took in his features when Newt is getting more and more nervous. You lean in until you are a few inches away from him. She could hear my heartbeat, Newt thought.
Does this mean she likes me too? Shall I kiss her? What if she doesn't like me! Newt observes your eyes and closes the gap between you, capturing your lips.

Because of the lack of oxygen, you pull apart and rest your head to his. ''Wow,'' he breathes. ''Precisely,'' you giggle, ''no wonder your creatures have grown fond of me.'' Newt chuckles, ''I've told them a lot about you.''
     Both decided to quit studying for the day, maybe continuing after dinner. You just lay half on Newt, playing with all the creatures. The niffler came up crawling on your stomach with something shiny in its beak.
     Newt's eyes widen as he notices what it is. He gestured the Niffler to stop, but it didn't listen. The niffler walks closer to you and clamps its hands on the jewel. A heavy blush reaches Newt's cheeks - one of embarrassment.

The jewel hunter extends its little arms, wanting you to take it. You happily take the jewel from the creature. You then see it is a bracelet with engraved with your and Newt's initials and the Hufflepuff house. ''Newt?'' you ask while turning around to look at him, ''did you make this?'' You took notice his flustered face.
     ''Yes,'' he whispers, obviously embarrassed. ''It's so cute, you made this for me?'' Newt was staring into your eyes before answering, she has such extraordinary eyes. Another nod follows and your face lit up. ''Aw, thank you.'' You gave him a small peck on his cheek, leaving him flustered.
     ''I-It wasn't meant for you to see it, but I'm glad you like it,'' he says nervously. ''Aw, then you shouldn't make shiny jewels while keeping a niffler.'' It makes him chuckles, ''that is right.''

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