XIX. Tom Riddle

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The One with the Badger

''I have decided to switch up seats,'' Professor Slughorn beams happily, earning several groans from the Slytherin students, ''to improve some students their knowledge.'' His gaze directed to you and you knew you were a disaster at potions. Slughorn hands out the papers with the new seats. You surveyed the paper and gasped. No way that I have to sit next to him.
     ''Come on! Switch up,'' Slughorn encourages. You grab your bag and walk to the very front of the class. You looked at your partner and didn't feel much to say anything. Your partner didn't feel much of it either.

''Tom m'boy,'' Slughorn beams, causing Tom to cringe and roll his eyes, ''I want you to ask to tutor this student, Y/N L/N.'' You surveyed your notes and felt two pairs of eyes burning on you. Tom fakes a smile, ''of course, Professor.'' Slughorn replies happily and walks away.
     ''I'm sorry,'' you mumble. ''What?'' Tom frowns and tilts his head to the Hufflepuff student. You tilt your head to look at the dark-haired, Slytherin prefect. ''My apologies that you are stuck with me.'' You gaze into his cold brown eyes, which seem to examine your face. He took in your features and noticed the scars around your eye.

''Six o'clock, library. Don't be late.'' His voice was smooth, yet as cold as ice. You nod and remain silent. Tom noticed your discomfort and smirked satisfied. The corner of his mouth twitched up a little.
     Professor Slughorn dismissed his class and you quickly made your way out of class. Only to be pulled into a cupboard. A hand covered your mouth and the person hissed, ''don't even think of having a chance with Riddle.'' ''W-what, no! I don't even want to!'' The next thing you know, are you being thrown to the back. Your back hit the shelves and groan in pain as you hit the floor.

You felt a sharp pain in your face and stomach. It felt like someone has been poking in your eye, many times. You tried to cover your face, but it didn't help. What felt like an eternity, the kicking suddenly stopped.
     The door opened and closed, leaving you there lying alone - in pain. You forced yourself to get up and hurried to the Hufflepuff common room. You walked up the stairs to the girl's dormitory, only to see the cuts and bruises on your face. Your salty tears stung in your wounds as they slid down.

You hid in the common room for the rest of the day, waiting for the clock to point half-past five. You put the hood of your hoodie over your head to hide your face as you make your way to the library. You didn't make any eye-contact and continued to walk.
     You examine the library in a second and spot the Slytherin prefect. You took a seat on the opposite of him and drew his attention. He examines you quickly, ''hood off.'' You sigh as you carefully, but slowly take off your hood. You denied eye-contact and fiddled with your fingers.
     ''Look at me.'' Tom's demanding voice sends a shivering feeling down your spine. Your eyes shifted to his and you lifted your head in the slightest movement. ''Not a word,'' you grumble and pull out your books. Tom feels a strange feeling in his stomach as he looks at you. He feels angry at the person who has done this, but when he looks beyond the bruises...
     ''Riddle?" you ask anxiously when you see him balding his first and clenching his jaw. It makes him more handsome, though. I beg your pardon?! Tom's gaze was still on you and you pull him out of his train of thoughts. He blinks a few times to come back to reality, his jaw relaxes. ''L-let's start with the tutoring.'' He regains his cold posture, yet he is less cold than during potions.

Days later, during dinner, you felt Tom's gaze upon you as you entered the Great Hall. A blush crept up your face, ''someone's flustered.'' You look aside to see your friend, Hugh Alexander. ''I'm not.'' You shot him a glare and sat next to him for dinner.
     ''Someone's staring at you,'' Hugh whispers near your ear and looks over to the Slytherin table. You follow Hugh's gaze, ending up to see the Slytherin prefect. His cold gaze bore into your eyes. He felt incredibly jealous of the Badger next to you and was unaware of his clenched jaw.
     ''Staring at me or you?'' you question because you are able to tell he is jealous. Hugh shot a confused look, ''why would he be staring at me?'' You shrug, ''maybe he is jealous?'' Hugh knitted his eyebrows together, ''jealous? Why would he be jealous? He's the most arrogant student that has ever walked the school.''

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