XIII. Fred Weasley

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The One with the Wolf

"You must be Y/N L/N!" A plump witch beams. You smile, "yes, that's me!" "I'm Molly. It's lovely to have you here. My apologies for the mess," she says. "Don't worry, it's not a big deal."
"Let's meet everyone!"

Molly took you to the living room, where everyone was sitting. You became utterly shy by seeing the whole family. A flush crept up your face.
     "Everyone, this is Y/N; our new housemate," Molly introduces. "Hello, Y/N," they say in unison. Your face reddened. "Hi.."

"This is Arthur, my husband," she beams. "Hello Y/N, it's lovely to have you here."
     "This is Bill, the oldest of the seven," she begins. Bill waves with a smile, "hi. Nice to meet you." The only you did was nodding.
"This is Charlie." "Hey, lovely to meet you."
"This is Percy." "Hello," he only said. You got the feeling that he didn't like you.
"These two are Fred and George," she points. "He's not Fred, I am," one of the two says. "You call yourself a mother," the other says. "Oh sorry George," Molly apologizes. "Hello, Y/N. No kidding, I am Fred," Fred jokes and winks at you.
"This is Ron," Molly points, "these are his friends; Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." They all wave at you. "Nice to meet you," Ron says.
"And this is the youngest, Ginny." "Hi, it's nice to have another girl here," she smiles.

''I hope you will get used to us,'' Fred smirks - walking towards you. He swings his arm around your shoulder, ''we are the clowns of the family.'' He whispers that in your ear - causing a shiver to be sent down your spine.
     "Poor girl,'' Molly says, ''she has to deal with you the rest of her Hogwarts years.'' ''Is that so?'' Fred says - mischievous grin on his face. ''Fred, easy boy,'' Charlie says - noticing your uncomfortable gesture. Fred's eyes shot to yours, ''oh, I'm sorry.'' He takes a step away from you.
    ''Did Fred just apologize?'' Arthur asks surprised, ''what has gotten into him?'' Fred shot a death glare to his father. ''Uh, Y/N. I will show you your room, you are with Ginny and Hermione.'' The girls jump up and walk with you to the room.

You walk out of the living room - glancing back to see Fred watching you. Your cheeks changed to light pink.
    "You are starring, Freddie," George comments. Fred looks at his brother, his face reddens - matching his hair. "No, I wasn't."


"Bloody hell, you didn't," you laugh. Currently, you are with Fred - laying in the grass. Fred chuckles, "we actually did. We got detention for a week."
    "Ey, love birds!" Bill calls, "dinner is ready!" You look down at the grass - fidgeting with it. Their face reddened. "We are not!" Fred calls back.

"Are you ready for tomorrow, honey?" Molly asks. You nod, "yes. I think so. I'm used to you all since I'll be at Hogwarts with four of you." A few days ago, they took you to Diagon Alley - the shopping area for wizards.
   "Which house will you be at?" Ginny asks. "Houses just like Ilvermorny?" you ask. "Yes, you will be sorted in four houses; Gryffindor," Arthur says. "All of us," Fred says proudly. "Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." "Slytherins are the evil ones. Ravenclaws are the smart ones. Hufflepuffs are the friendly ones. And Gryffindor are the ...-," George says but he is cut off by you, "funny ones?"


''Miss L/N?'' someone calls your name - a woman's voice. You turned around as you left the express. You glanced at the woman, 5'9 feet. Hair is grey, she is old. Light skin colour. She looks very strict but is warm-hearted. ''Yes, that's me,'' you say. She sends you a smile and gestures to walk with her.
    ''May I welcome you at the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry,'' she says and starts to tell much more. ''We are heading to the headmaster's office, aren't we?'' you ask which catches McGonagall off guard. ''Uh, yes. How did you know?'' ''The first years are going the opposite way.''

''Sherbet Lemon.''

You walked the stairs to the headmaster's office. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Ms. L/N," the headmaster greets you warmly. You send him a smile and a nod. "This is the sorting head who will choose your house, I assume that Professor McGonagall has explained already?"
"Yes, she did." "Let's make a hurry then," he smiles and puts the hat on your head. "Ah! What a gorgeous mind. You are able to achieve many great things in Slytherin or in Gryffindor," it grunts.
   "Ah yes, I think I know. RAVENCLAW!"


Even though you became one of the smart asses, you still hung out with the twin. Especially Fred, I wonder why.
     He is in progress with you learning about quidditch by inviting you to practise. You always went with Hermione, mostly because she's as smart as you.

One evening you saw Fred flying around on his broom - with a bat. He hits the burglars with all his strength. Then his eyes shot to you - hoping you had seen it.
     His concentration is lost and didn't notice the burglar. It hits the Weasley and he falls of his broom.
     You run closer while grabbing your wand. "Aresto momentum."


You couldn't sleep because of what happened to Fred. You just couldn't. You sneak out of bed and past Filch - heading to the hospital wing.

You sit i the chair next to him - holding his hand. He hasn't woken up since the accident.
     "Fred, please wake up," you whisper. Tears are forming in your eyes - slowly sliding down your cheeks.
   As exhausted as you are - you fall asleep.

Fred opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is you. A smile graced his lips. "I am awake," he whispers back and kisses her head.


"Expecto Patronum!" you say but nothing happens. You notice Fred's patronus, a Magpie.
   "Awesome, great work Mr. Weasley!" the Professor cheers.

Fred glanced at you - noticed your struggling. "Need a little help?" he says - popping the p. "If it doesn't bother you," you reply.
   Fred went standing behind you - close. His right hand is wrapped around you and your wand. His face is next to you. "Think of the happiest moment in your life," he says and then performs the waving.

The moment your eyes locked, your heartbeat elevated. Pupils dilated. The moment when you locked your eyes with Fred Weasley.
"Expecto Patronus!" A white silvery wolf Sprang out - running around the classroom. You smile at it, you succeeded. Fred could only watch the beautiful smile on your lips. Bloody Hell, she will be the death of me.


Your owl was resting on your head - waiting for you to wake up. She screeches as you wake up. "Hello, girl. What do you have there?" she unwraps the note that has been tied on her paw.

My dear Y/N,

At the end of your bed lies a packet - for you. Go and grab it before reading further.

You reach for the package and let it resting on your lap.

Great, now open it.

As curiously as you became, you opened the package to reveal a Gryffindor jersey with number 5. You already begun to smile.

Don't worry, it's clean. Now I invite you to support me int he quidditch game while wearing that. Yes, a Ravenclaw in a Gryffindor jersey.

See you there,
X Fred

You smiled like an idiot while dressing up. Shorts and the jersey tucked in your shorts. The jersey is - of course - oversized.

You walk to the quidditch fields. "Well, bloody hell," you hear. You spin around to see Fred - smiling like a little child.
     "Thanks for your jersey, I won't catch weird faces," you say sarcastically. "Ha ha, you look damn good."
     "Good luck," you say. You tiptoe and kiss him on his lips. You smile as you walk away. Fred's head turns into the same colour as his hair and outfit. Bloody Hell.

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