Chapter 48: What i used to be

Start from the beginning

None of this was supposed to happen. Things got out of hand. They are now out of his control.
Jungkook lifelessly walked. He had no idea where he was going but his legs continued to move. He felt out of body. All he did was watch his feet continue moving. He had no idea what was happening around him.
He numb.

Suddenly a shoulder crashed into his. He didn't stop though. He didn't even feel it. He kept moving until he was stopped.

A hand grabbed his shoulder, turning him back to face him.

"Yah, you rude little punk aren't you going to apologize." A drunken man hiccupped.

Jungkook finally looked up. His face was frozen. Emotionless. He blinked slowly trying to comprehend what was going on.

"This fucker must be deaf. Hello~ anyone in there." The man taunted. He began to knock on Jungkook's head. He reeled of alcohol and his stance clearly proved he had one too many to drink.
Jungkook glared at the man, still not saying a word.
The man stopped smiling. His face turned dark. "Who the fuck are you looking at-" he raised his hand but before he could land a hit Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

The stranger hissed in pain as his arm was slowly being bent back.

"Aish." Jungkook cursed. "All you dirty drunks know to do is start a fight but never know how to fucking finish them." His voice was dark and his eyes changed.

The man yelled for mercy as he could slowly feel his bones breaking. Jungkook not showing any type of emotion.

"Crazy bastard-" the man tried to throw a punch but was stopped when Jungkook powerfully kicked him in the chest, making him fall on his back.
The man tried to catch his breath. His body trembling as he looked at his broken arm. He looked up at Jungkook with fear and sheer horror in his eyes.

"Please don't hurt me. I have a family."

Jungkook laughed. That remark only angered him more.
"I used to have a family. An actual family." Jungkook began to slowly walk towards the man. "I had a mom, a dad, an older brother." Jungkook's heavy boots were loud on the wet concrete.

"My parents were good people. My brother had his whole life ahead of him and I was a good kid."

Jungkook crouched down next to the man, tilting his head as he looked at the man on the floor.

"And people like you, ruin what we have." Jungkook grabbed the man by the collar, harshly pulling him towards his own face, still he wanted to gag at the smell of the drunk."

"My family was killed by a drunk like yourself. They died a horrible death because a drunk bastard!...." Jungkook gulped. Closing his eyes trying to keep In his cool. He looked at the man again after Taking a deep breath. "A drunk bastard set off a fire. They heard my family burn alive and yet the did.....nothing. I was only 13 and I came home to nothing."

His lips quivered. Suddenly the images flashed in his head. He remembered the sight of seeing his mother's burned arm fall from under the whit sheet blanket they placed over her dead body.

"After that I had to do bad things to survive. I joined very bad people and had to hurt the good ones."

Tears filled Jungkook's eyes. Instead of crying he laughed. Laughed so maniacally, the drunk man felt even more afraid. "H-help! Somebody Help me please!"
Jungkook taunted the man. Dancing along with his screams from help. But a quick grab of his already broken arm made the man Yelp in pain.

"My family screamed for help too." He pulled out a knife from his boot and slowly raised it. The blade reflected in the mans eyes.

"But just like them. No one is going to help you."

Headlights flashed from behind, stopping Jungkook instantly. The man's eyes widened as he struggled in Jungkook's grip.
"Help me. This man is crazy! Please help me."

The passenger car door opened. A man came running out grabbing the blade from Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook stood still. His back still facing the vehicle. He let go of his grip and the man under him was quick to crawl away.
The man began thanking the man who came from the car. The stranger merely looked at him.
"Thank you. Thank you. You've saved my life-"


The drunk man's body fell to the ground.

Jungkook turned to look at the bullet hole that was pointed into his eye. The other staring right up at him. The maknae slowly stood up.

The driver's door opened and quickly opened the door behind him. He bowed as the person sitting in the back stepped out.
A clap echoed the street making Jungkook flinch.

He could hear his chuckle from behind him. A sound that he remembers.

Jungkook turned around. His eyes squinting from the headlights. The figure walking towards him was a silhouette surrounded by the fog created by the dirt.

"And I thought I would never see you again. But here we are."

His voice ringed in Jungkook's ears. He gulped as the figure only got closer.

"After your little rogue incident I'm willing to forgive you and let you come home."

Jungkook stood frozen.

He finally stepped out of the lights. His face was clear as day.

"It's been a while...." Jungkook gritted his teeth.
The man's lips curled into a smile as he heard Jungkook's voice.

"Mr Moon."



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