Chapter 41: I saw her

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"We can't just leave without Jimin." Hoseok followed Namjoon as he was counting all of the guns he had in his duffel bug.

"Jimin left because he wanted to leave. I am not risking my sister's life just to find him when he left on his own will."

"But there has to be a reason-"

"What other reason is there." Yoongi appeared next to Namjoon handing him a handgun. "He left with Y/N."

"Oh and Red joined their little road trip. I don't buy it."

Namjoon threw the gun inside the bag. Hoseok stepped back and gulped.

"Then don't. I am getting Jennie the fuck out of here even if it means I die." Namjoon was only centimeters away from Hoseok now. "I can't lose her seoka. I almost did last night. I-"

The leader teared. He looked up at the sky to stop the tears from flowing down. but it was no use. He  was choked up. "I don't know what I'll do if I lose her." he said breathlessly.

Hoseok sighed.  

Yoongi was finished packing the guns and zipped the bags. "I'll tell the others that we're ready."

He left the room, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok alone.


"I'm tired." Namjoon interrupted. "And I bet Jennie is too." He scoffed. "I mean the girl has been through absolute Hell. She hasn't been to a real school or had real friends. She's been locked up by those fucking bastards and locked up by me. I...."

"I just want her to live a normal life."

And with those words this leader broke down. It was like watching a bear shrink into a mouse. Hoseok was quick to embrace Namjoon in his arms. 

He feels for him. And feels for Jennie too. A brother is trying his best to keep his little sister safe. And by doing so he took control of her whole life. He understands what its like. His own family locked him up. Hoseok's mother said it was for his own safety but it never really was. They just didn't want a sick son anymore and by doing so they completely got rid of him.   


"Alright everybody ready?"

"Yes but have you guys seen Y/n? She wasn't here when we woke up."

Jin looked at Yoongi who looked down. He had noticed Jimin missing since the morning. No one has said a word. But by the quiets by both Yoongi and Namjoon hr can already tell what happened.

"Jimin and Y/N left ahead of time." He lied. Yoongi is no idiot. If he even thought about saying the truth Taehyung would go on another rampage. Maybe this time a fork would actually land in his skull.

Jennie scrunched her eyebrows. "Why would they do that? And Red she isn't here either. Why would they go alone just them three?"

"Well uh, it would be smarter if we all traveled in small numbers. We will meet them there.."


You stood on guard as Red picked a lock. 

You looked down awkwardly as people who were obviously  having affairs walked past you. "May I ask why I had to join?"

Red did one last turn before the door finally opened. She looked up at you then stood up from her kneeling position. You went from looking down at her to meeting her eye to eye. 

"Trust me it's more dangerous out there than it will be in here. Just hide hide in the bathroom while I work. This won't take long."

She entered the room and you awkwardly followed her inside. 

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