Chapter 16: Insanity is the best cure

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The sound of clapping and  people cheering echoed in the room when the bride and groom entered. Your father and Hani. You younger brother and sister were clapping cheerful with giant smiles on their faces. While you sat in the chair with arms crossed. You saw the smile on your father's face ans he looked at his new bride.

He was truly in love with her. It was something you haven't seen him do in five years. See him smile at a woman. You only saw that smile of his when your mother was alive. She used to say that your father's smile is one of the many things that made her happy.  It hurt you to see that he was showing your mother's favorite thing to some other woman.

"Children come and take a picture with your parents" The photographer called your table. Your younger brother and sister happily stood up from their seats and ran to the newly wed couple. You made a face of disgust as you saw your dad and Hani have a huge smile on their faces as the youngster ran up to them and hug them. The photographer seemed to notice that you didn't want to take a picture. He waved his hand over with a cheesy smile on his face.

you slowly shook your head no as a response. The photographer turned around to speak with Hani and your father. The two looked up at the same time. Hani grabbed the ends of her wedding dress. she walked towards the lonely table you were sitting in. She got a hold of your hand, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" you said with a venom in your voice. You saw Hani gulp as she was looking away. Quickly you saw her smile fall slowly.

"Please.." she said with a quivering voice, you almost didn't hear her due to all of the guests talking.

You rolled your eyes, letting yourself be guided by her. Your siblings stood in front while you father had one arm around Hani. You stood there with an expressionless face until you felt hands touch your upper arm. Your eyes widened, you looked over at Hani who looked at you with soft eyes. "I hope you don't mind" you did't respond you just looked at the camera and waited for the flash.

"Alright~ Such a beautiful family, now~ Smile~"  You looked into the camera, you lips twitched as you tried to smile.



You kept your eyes clenched shut. Waiting for the impact of Jimin's fist hitting you. You felt him now standing a few inches from you. You braced yourself. The breeze of him bringing up his hands caused you to flinch and shielded youself with them but to your surprise he didn't hit you.

You felt his strong arms hug you tightly. You opened your eyes shocked from his sudden action. Your face was right on top of Jimin's shoulder, you were able to smell his scent.

"J-Jimin?" you started.

"Please.." his voice quivered, barely above a whisper. "Please, tell me where they are...I won't hurt you, please help me, help J-hope" He pulled you in closer to his arms. You felt his warmth, you almost

"Jimin, he wasn't...taking any pills" You whispered. You heard sniff. He slowly released you from his arms.You saw his teary eyes look at you with a confused look.

"if he  wasn't, t-then what was he doing down here last night"

"H-He.." You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

"He brought me water" you said looking down.

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as soon as he heard the words come out from your mouth. "For what-"

"To help me" you interrupted. "-after know.."

Jimin's eyes jittered towards the ground, lips were parted open. When he closed his eyes, a tear escaped from his right eye, elegantly  streamed down his cheek. he sighed in relief.

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