Chapter 27: Since we've last met

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"Y/N" Jennie shouted with pure happiness. She dropped her suitcase and with arms spread on each side she ran to you.

You watched as she ran. It had been a long time since you've last seen her. It was almost like you were imagining it.
While you were zoned out her arms wrapped around your body.

Immediatley the pain struck. Out of reflex you pushed her back. She looked at you in shock.

Your eyes became teary. "I-I'm sorry Jennie I-"

Suddenly Yoongi appeared. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The older glared down at you with venom in his eyes. They looked exactly like they did that day. You looked down at his hands remembered what it felt like when they were wrapped around your neck.

Jennie noticed the nervousness in your eyes. She looked up at Yoongi who was glaring at you. The girl rolled her eyes and with all the force she had she pushed Yoongi away by his ribs.

The older looked at her on shock.

"Go away. She has every right to feel that way" Jennie hissed. Yoongi scoffed. He gave you one last glance before walking away with a blank face.

Jennie's eyes changed from disgust to pure admiration when she turned to you. "I'm sorry for hugging you without permission." The girl looked down with soft eyes.
Sometimes you forget that this girl is older than you by two years.

You felt bad. It wasn't her fault. It was Jimin's. If it weren't for the wounds that he left you, you wouldnt be so fragile.

"Everyone got their things?" Jin walked out of the house with two giant suitcases in both hands. He practically almost tipped over at each step.

"Yes~" Jennie ran back to where her suitcase was.

"Y/N, I see that you're feeling better" Jin smiled at you. You pursed your lips into a smile and nodded slightly.

"Key words 'I see' which mean you look fine physically." The older then scanned your body from head to toe. "Let me ask you again." You tilted your head. Why would Jin act this way.

"Are you..fine? He asked in a quiet voice.
You looked at the older with widened eyes. It seemed like he knew something. He looked at you with narrowed eyes and you didn't know what to reply.

Suddenly Jimin walked out of the house. Your eyes met his dark ones. You gulped as then Jin's voice turned eerie and Jimin's presence seemed to be louder.

Through his eyes you could read what he was warning. Don't say a thing or else ill hurt you. Your family's lives are still in my hands.

"Y/N" Jin's call of your name brought you back into reality. You snapped your eyes to look at his. Your forcefully made yourself smile. Your quivering made it obvious that you were trying too hard.

"Yes....I'm perfectly fine." You lied.


The car ride to the destination felt like an eternity. You sat next to Jennie who insisted to ride the same car as you. As well as Taehyung who insisted to join Jennie and you. You almsot thought that he just wanted to join you because you and Jennie are the only girls.

But you don't know that. You could be completely wrong.

Yoongi was forced to ride with Namjoon because Jennie refused to share the same car as him. You were happy that she did. Of course Hoseok is with Yoongi. He didn't even think twice about joining the car you're riding in. He knows his place.
Jin and Jungkook were with them as well.

You were resting your head against the window watching each car speed by. The feeling was familiar. It was almost hard to imagine that you were doing this once months ago.

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