Castiel's First Bedtime Story (very fluffy)

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      The day moved so much slower after Bobby and the boys had left. Gabriel spent most of his time watching TV in silence. Cas was constantly by your side. He stated it was to make sure your wings didn't spring out and knock anything or anyone off or out. Lucifer also followed you around for a while, just checking to make sure that you were alright now that your family was gone. You forced yourself to calm down enough to manage a small smile, nod, and," I'm alright. Thanks." Upon seeing Castiel taking care of you, Lucifer backed off and joined Gabriel in watching bad TV.

      Eventually, you got tired of pacing in the living and down the hall, so you went into your room. Cas followed you and stood awkwardly in the doorway. You had sat down on your bed and was eyeing him suspiciously.

      "Do you need something Castiel?" you asked.

      "Uh... no?" the adorable angel said.

      You tilt your head and let out a sigh," Alright. Come on in..."

      Cas shuffled into your room, glancing at the room's decorated, painted walls as he enters. He stops a foot or so away from where you're sitting and casts furtive glances everywhere except at your face. You know he's shy and unsure, so you decide to try something you've never done before.

      "Come here, Cas," you call to him as you reach for one of the children's books on the shelves next to the bed," I'm gonna read to you."

       Cas looked at you with narrowed, confused, suspicious eyes," Uh... why?"

      "Because I don't like it when anyone stands in my doorway staring at me like a freaking Peeping Tom," you said, then stood up and held the lapels of Cas's trenchcoat in your hands," Sit down, I'll read to you. It'll be fun!"

      "Okay," Cas said, looking a little bit more alive as you and he sat with your backs against the bed.

      You smiled and opened the children's book. It was called Baby Angel Learns to Fly. You started to read.

      "This is Baby Angel," you read, showing Cas a little angel drawing," He has two little wings. He wants to fly. But he's too little. Baby Angel is sad. He sees his brothers and sisters flying. He wants to fly too. Mama Angel tells him that he will soon. Daddy Angel tells him he will fly someday. Baby Angel tries to flap his little wings. But they aren't strong enough."

      Cas, bless his heart, was fully captivated by the story. His piercing blue eyes were locked on the pages of colorful imagery and illustrations. You felt him snuggle closer as you continued.

      "Baby Angel asked his brothers how to fly. They told him to go to Angel School. Baby Angel went to Mama Angel and Daddy Angel. He wants to go to Angel School. Mama Angel and Daddy Angel say he will go soon. But not yet.

      "Finally, Baby Angel can go to Angel School. He learns how to open and close his wings. He learns how to flap them. He learns how to breathe calmly. But he still can't fly. He asks Teacher Angel if he can fly. "Not yet, you're too little," Teacher Angel says. Baby Angel is sad. He really wants to fly. Time goes on. Baby Angel grows without him knowing. One day, Baby Angel was playing with his friends. They were throwing a ball. Gary threw it very high over Baby Angel's head. Baby Angel jumped and caught the ball. His Angel Friends were very happy. Baby Angel had flown! Baby Angel was big enough to fly! Baby Angel is happy. The end."

      Cas was partially asleep on your shoulder. You put the book away before putting your arms over him and cradling him. He fit his body against yours so that he was hugging you around the waist with his head against your collarbone. You petted his hair, enjoying how soft it was between your fingers. As you did so, your mind wandered. You wondered what Angel School would be like.

      You'd been homeschooled by Bobby for most of your life. You had only gone to a public school for a couple years of Middle School, then one year for high school. And that was the worst year of your life. You weren't exactly excited to be going back to school. But the prospect of flying? That was probably going to be the only good thing to come out of Angel School. And that brought up a another question. What kind of things did Angel School teach?

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora