Gabriel the Archangel (or what's left of him)

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      During the hour of waiting, you found entertainment by carving Devil's Traps on the rocky floor. Crowley found it irritating because you kept edging them closer to him. Castiel and the Winchesters found it entertaining and even started to carve their own Devil's Traps on the rocks around them. Further annoying the former King of Hell.

      "Alright!" a Southern-accented voice roared," Leave my presence!"

      You stopped your carving and looked over the overlook. Asmodeus was standing up from his throne, his arms held out from his body to get all the demons' attention. The demons started to file out, quickly. Once they were all gone, Asmodeus collapsed on his throne.

      "RAR'GON!" Asmodeus yelled," BRING HIM!"

      A heavy sounding door opened and you could see a giant of a demon dragging a shaking, whimpering, bloodied mass to him. You covered your mouth so you could gasp. No... there was no way that poor soul was...

      "Gabriel... so nice of you to join me again," you could hear Asmodeus coo," I believe you know what I want."

      Your gut clenched as Gabriel let out a squeal of terror while Asmodeus took something from Rar'gon. Rar'gon held Gabriel still as Asmodeus jabbed something into Gabriel's neck. Gabriel cried out in a weird muffled way, trying to escape but couldn't.

      "There, there," Asmodeus cooed," Just a little bit more."

      Asmodeus was just angled so you couldn't see what he was doing to Gabriel, until he pulled the instrument of torture out and held it up. You could see it was glowing, but wasn't sure what that meant. Castiel brushed up against you, his muscles tight and his breathing rough. You looked at him and saw his eyes were bright with fury. You were afraid he was going to attack Asmodeus, so you grabbed him and pulled him away from the overlook. Cas tried to fight against you, but you practically sat on him to keep him from ruining the plan.

      "Let me go Y/n!" he hissed.

      "I can't," you whisper," I want to save him just as badly as you do, but we have a plan. And we can't help Gabriel if we're captured too. We have to wait..."

      "But Gabriel..."

      "Will be alright if we follow the plan," you say, then run your fingers through his hair firmly," Trust us, Cas... we can do this."

      Cas nodded finally, but his eyes were filled with tears. You pulled him into your arms and felt him sobbing quietly into you shoulder. His hands were balled up with your shirt, shaking with how tightly he was squeezing. You shushed him, rubbing his back or brushing his hair with your fingers. You sort of rambled soft things like," It's okay," or," It's alright," or," Everything's gonna be fine." You said it to him as much as you said it for yourself.

      "They're taking him back," Sam said, then tapped your shoulder," Y/n, follow him."

      You let go of Cas and started to hurry down the rocky passageways. You could see through cracks and holes in the walls, Rar'gon dragging Gabriel. So you hurried through the twists and turns and around dead ends until you could see Rar'gon stopped. He threw Gabriel into a very dark, very cruel looking cage, slam the door, then walk away laughing. You thought about crawling from this rocky duct and rescuing Gabriel yourself, but it didn't seem wise. So you turned back to lead Sam, Dean, Cas, and Crowley to the position. Just in case.

      "He's in that cage, right there," you tell Sam and Dean, pointing to it.

      "Alright, here's the plan," Dean said," You and Sam unlock it, then Cas and I will pull him up in here. Then we all leave. One big happy family."

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