Y/N Call Home

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      After the very quiet, awkward drive back to the flat, you went back to your room as fast as possible. Not just because you were ashamed of what you said to Lucifer, but also because you couldn't even take down a simple raw head on your own. It was humiliating since you always seemed to get hurt on every, single, freaking hunt you embark on. You fall face first into your bed and struggle for the rest of the evening to fall asleep.

      "I don't know guys," Lucifer bemoaned," What am I doing wrong here?"

      Castiel sighed," I had this problem once..."

      Both Gabriel and Lucifer looked at him in shock.

      " You had a kid?" They asked in unison.

      Cas looked at them in confusion," No! I mean my vessel, Jimmy. He had a daughter, Claire. I tried to befriend her but she couldn't stand to look at the being that killed her father and wears his face. But we finally developed at least a little bit of an understanding."

      Lucifer looked horrified," That's messed up."

      Cas rolled his eyes," Don't make me bring up all that you did on Earth."

      "Wasn't me, remember?"Lucifer reminded him.

      Cas realized his mistake and apologized under his breath.

       "What if you just let her call the Winchesters?" Gabriel suggested," Maybe hearing from them is just the pick-me up she needs."

      Lucifer's eyes lit up," Yeah!" He then put his hands together and focused his archangel powers into creating an inter-dimensional cellphone.

      You awoke in the morning, not feeling any better about the previous day's events. You didn't want to even get out of bed, but the alarm was unrelenting and very persuasive. You dragged your tired, heavy, wing-laden body out of the mussed bed and headed out to the common rooms.

      "Y/n! I have something for you," Lucifer called out, walking in your direction as you entered the living room.

      You could tell he wasn't as chipper as he usually was, so you kept your guard up. But the simple fact he was speaking to you meant something. It made you feel more at ease in his presence. Even so, you found it hard to reply to him.

      "I know yesterday was rough," he said, stopping in front of you," But I'm glad it happened. We need to learn how to navigate our problems. With each other, this new life, and... not having your ol' Winchester pals around to teach you ropes about hunting."

      You didn't say anything. You just shrugged. You weren't sure what to say in this instance. So you just let it hang there. Lucifer, per usual, took the lead in the conversation.

      "So I've made you this!" he said as he proudly displayed a 2005-ish looking flip phone. You looked at it strangely.

     "Thanks?" you murmured as you took it from him," You know this is sorta... old, right?"

      "That's the beauty of it!" Lucifer said," It will connect you with anyone you want from your world! Sam. Dean. Bobby. Anyone you can think of! Just think about them and push the call button. They'll be glad to hear your voice, and you'll be able to tell them about all the fun you've been having."

      You held back a scoff. The last couple days have been anything but fun, but whatever. You start to feel excited as you realize the possibilities. You force a small smile as you flip it open. Yup, a 2005-ish cell phone. Or a magic brick as Dean would put it.

      "Thanks," you say, for real this time, then glance at the clock behind Lucifer," Oh crap, I'm gonna be late!"

       You run and grab something to eat, then dash for your backpack. Gabriel and Castiel are nearly run over as you rampage through your morning routine. You don't wait for Lucifer as you dash down to the parking lot.

      As you open the door to the Impala, Lucifer is already in the driver's seat, engine running. You throw your seatbelt on and shout," DRIVE!"

      "As you wish," Lucifer said with a smile as he started to drive.

       At your lunch, you stole away from the rest of the Nephilim and angels to hide in a secluded hallway. You stared at the phone in your hand. You were trying to decide who to call first. Dean, Sam, or Bobby. You decided on Dean. You wanted to ask him about rawheads. And... you felt really at ease whenever you heard his voice.

      Just think about him? Okay...

      You close your eyes and concentrate on the mental image of Dean Winchester. His short brown hair, his green eyes, his leather jacket, his unreasonable layers of clothing. Then you clicked the call button. The line rang as you held the phone to your ear. You realized you were holding your breath.

      Click. "Hello?"

      Dean's voice was clear as day. It seemed to cut into you like a crystal knife. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't speak.

      "Hello? Is this Garth? I swear to god if this is another prank call, I'm gonna hunt your ass down and beat it into nex-"

      "Dean?" you squeaked.

      There was silence. Static. Then a soft," Y/n? Y/n, is that you?"

      You nod until you can say," Yeah, yeah it's me."

      "Where are you?" Dean asked, his voice low and breathy.

      "Still with Lucifer," you murmured. You were afraid someone would hear you and come investigate," Is Sam there?"

       "Yeah, yeah! He's right here," Dean said, then his voice got quieter as he apparently held the phone towards Sam," It's Y/n. Say something not nerdy."

       "Hey Y/n, what's going on?" Sam replied, obviously glaring at Dean," How're you calling us if you're in an alternate dimension?"

      "Lucifer made a phone. A really old one."

      "Which would explain how you reached this cell," Dean said," This thing's like 16 years old. No one calls this piece of crap anymore. I was gonna just throw it away one of these days."

      "No, no, don't. I just wanted to talk to you."

      "Well, we're not now," Sam said," How're you doing? Is Lucifer still on the up-and-up?"

      "Yeah, he's fine. I think he's telling the truth about this universe. He really is good. Surprisingly enough..."

      "Well that makes one of them..." Dean muttered.

      "Wha-, what does that mean?"

      "What he means is that the Lucifer of our world is back up and kicking up a sandstorm," Sam explained," Specifically, trying to start up the second apocalypse."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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