Training with Gabriel

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      Gabriel wanted to start your training immediately in the morning. Bobby's reaction was," Go ahead, but not, I repeat, NOT in the house. Go outside or something." So now you and Gabriel were training outside. Far enough away from the house to avoid any accidents or collateral damage. Gabriel wanted to teach you how to use telekinesis first. Without any qualms to that plan, you agreed. Until after a few tries...

      The pencil sat on the tree stump, not moving. Should it be moving? Yeah. At least that's what you wanted it to do. Or, more specifically, that's what Gabriel wanted you to make it do. You held your hand out, and tried to focus and force your will upon the tiny, yellow stick of graphite-laden wood. You stared at it. Waiting for it to lift. But it didn't even twitch. You were starting to get frustrated. But you kept it down.

      Don't be a monster... don't be a monster...

      "Focus on it," Gabriel said, standing next to you," Use the energies around you to feel it."

      "I think the line is actually "Use the Force, Luke"," you said sarcastically as you let your hands drop.

      "Would it help if I said it that way?" Gabriel asked in a less sarcastic tone that you'd expected.

      "Maybe," you said," I just can't... I'm focusing harder than I've ever concentrated. But I'm not feeling anything. No connection or anything."

      "Well, maybe you need to learn how to feel what's already around you," Gabriel said, going to the stump and picking up the pencil.

      "How do I do that?" you asked.

      "Let's go to that patch of trees over there," Gabriel said, pointing at the treeline on the outskirts of Bobby's property," We'll see if we can't figure it out over there."

      You shrugged," I'm game," then started the 200 yard walk.

      "I have to ask," Gabriel started, slowly," Do you remember anything from throwing Asmodeus and his demons into the abyss? Anything at all?"

      "I remember Asmodeus beating me into a wall," you said," He was taunting me about killing the Winchesters and Cas and torturing you... and I just... I just wanted to save you, all of you. Then I remember running back to the gateway."

      Gabriel didn't say anything beyond a," Hmmm..." and you didn't say anything more as you walked.

      Gabriel placed the pencil onto another stump and then went to stand by you. You had your arms crossed, not exactly wanting to do this again, but you wanted to prove yourself so badly you couldn't just walk away.

      "Alright," Gabriel said dusting his hands off, then pointed at the pencil," See that pencil? Imagine it's going trying to kill me."

      You were caught off guard.

      "What?" you said in shock.

      "Yeah," Gabriel  said with a grin," Imagine it's trying to kill me. You have to save me. Move the pencil."

      You thought about the ridiculous idea. Gabriel, an archangel, being attacked by a pencil sitting on a stump. Oooh, real scary.

      "Gabe, that's stupid," you complain.

      "Is it?" Gabriel asked, with a smile as he stepped back to the stump.

      You watched him pick up the pencil.

      "Oh look! A pencil I found in the woods," Gabriel said faux cheerily, waving the pencil around," I hope it's not haunted!"

      You started to chuckle when Gabriel suddenly acted like he was holding the pencil away from stabbing him in the neck.

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