Two Weeks Later (and a few colors less)

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      "You feel up for another case, Y/n?" Dean asked as he packed his bags for the third time this week," We got one in Dundee, Ohio... just a few hours east of here."

      "Of course. What's the case?" you ask.

      "A man went all 'Here's Johnny' at his home today," Dean said, then explained further when you raised your eyebrow at the reference," He tried to ax his wife and kids. The kicker? He said the devil made me do it."

      "So... demon?" you ask.

      "That's what we're gonna find out," Dean said, zipping up his duffel.

      Sam stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair with one of the Iowa motel's towels. The boys had just finished cleaning up another hunter's botched ghoul hunt, and Sam took a ghoul guts bath. So when he got back, he got dibs on the shower. For 2 and a half hours. Ghoul guts and blood were revolting. More so than normal blood or guts.

      "Got something?" Sam asked.

      Dean caught Sam up on the Ohio case as you carried the gear out to the Impala. It had been two weeks since the vamp attempted blood-letting on you, and you felt much better. The bandages had come off and all that remained was a thin sliver of red across your ribs. You lightly touched it, just to make yourself feel a little bit better. It was embarrassing that you had gotten jumped like that, but then again, neither Sam nor Dean saw it coming either.

      You popped the Impala's trunk and pushed the bags into place. You closed it and started back for the motel room. Then you heard what sounded like the sudden flapping of wings.

      "Excuse me," a voice said," Do you know the Winchesters?"

      You whirled around to see a golden haired man standing behind you. He had a pleasant smile, holding his hands in front of him. He wore a crisp, white, dress shirt and navy blue dress pants. He looked out of place, and he caught you off guard.

      "What?" you ask, slightly flustered.

      "The Winchesters," the man said again, still smiling," Do you know them?"

      "Uh... who's asking?" you ask.

      "An old friend of theirs sent me," the man said, then shrugged," I'm supposed to deliver a message to them."

      "I can pass it on," you say," What's the message?"

      The man grimaced, inhaling sharply with an apologetic gleam in his bright blue eyes," Sorry. No more middlemen. This message is supposed to be directly from me."

      You started to open your mouth when Sam and Dean closed the motel room door. You whirled around to try and warn them, but the golden-haired man brushed past you to meet them.

      "Sam! Dean," the man said," Just the hunters I was looking for."

      You felt a twinge of jealousy that this man didn't know that you were also a hunter. You stuffed it down for later use. You jogged over to join the conversation.

      "Gabriel?" Sam asked with no limit of surprise," What are you doing here?"

      "I have a message, from Castiel," Gabriel said," He needs to meet with you. It's urgent."

      "If it's urgent, why didn't he come himself?" Dean asked.

      "The angels are at each others throats and Cas is trying to sate them," Gabriel explained," He's the only thing keeping the factions from full out, smiting, war."

      "What they fighting about now?" Sam asked indignantly.

      From his tone, you could tell these 'angels' were always fighting about something. Sam and Dean looked like parents trying to keep the peace between their children. Exasperated and weary.

      "There's something cursed on the Earth," Gabriel said," Something powerful. Unholy. One side seeks to destroy it, one seeks to capture it, one seeks to experiment, and one wants to protect it and gain it's trust."

      "Which side is Cas on?" Dean asked.

      "What do you think?" Gabriel stated with a hint of irritation.

      "He wants to protect it, or... at the very least find out what it is," Sam said, shoving his hands into his pockets," What is it? Nephilim? Fallen angel? Lucifer? Demon-...?"

      "No one's sure," Gabriel said, interrupting him with an eye roll," That's why he sent me to tell you to keep an eye out for anything... strange. He's sure that you two would be the ones to find the disturbance."

      You clear your throat. Gabriel adds quickly," You three."

      "We're hunters, we see strange everyday," you say.

      "Weird as in, not in the typical lore books," Gabriel clarified," Anyways, who are you?"

      "Y/n," you say sharply," And I'm a hunter."

      "Yeah," Sam said," Don't cross her, she makes Hell look like a weekend retreat when she's mad."

      You narrowed your eyes at Sam. He laughed. Gabriel made an impressed 'ah' sound before taking a knee. He took your hand. At first you wanted to pull away, but something stopped you. A strange shoot of warmth through your whole body.

      "Well, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Mademoiselle Y/n. I am Gabriel," Gabriel said, planting a kiss on the top of your hand," The Archangel..."

      You felt your face suddenly, and without any warning,flush with color as you stammered out a broken," Thanks. Gabriel..."

      "Alright you snake charmer," Dean broke in," Anything else from Cas?"

      "Nope," Gabriel said," Now, I bid you all, adieu."

      He took your hand again and stared deeply into your eyes," Madam, it's been a pleasure."

      The Archangel suddenly disappeared with the sudden sound of giant, flapping, invisible wings. You were slightly caught off guard by his sudden disappearance, since you'd never met an angel before. Let along an Arch-angel.

      "Well that's just great," Dean muttered, running his hand over his face.

      "What do we do?" Sam asked.

      "Just keep going I guess," Dean said, then gestured to the empty space Gabriel left," I mean, they don't know what this new Cursed Thing is."

      You and Sam both nod in agreement. Dean groaned.

      "Why can't the world just stay saved. Like for a month or something," Dean muttered," Is that so much to ask for?"

      "In our line of work? Yes," you say with a sweet smile.

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