Entering the Hellfire

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      The gateway to Hell was pretty disappointing. You had imagined a hole, a fissure, in the ground. Hellfire and flames or at least intense heat shooting out of it. Maybe some damned screaming. But it was a a literal door. One marked 'Employees Only'. You stared at it, deeply unimpressed.

      "This... is a gateway to Hell?" you ask.

      "What? Not grand enough for you?" Crowley asked snidely," If it was grand, then everyone would know where it was."

      You muttered a curse in your mind as you realized it was a good point. You looked at the scattered bodies of the demons who had been charged with guarding this gateway. Their eyes were burned out and you could smell the burning sulfur.

      "You did this?" you ask Cas.

      "Yes," Cas said, shy and unsure.

      "That's cool," you say, trying to make him feel better.

      He smiled," No one has ever said burning someone's eyes out was cool before."

      "Well, they're demons. They deserved it," you stated with a shrug.

      "I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that," Crowley sighed.

      "Is it not true?" you ask before joining Sam and Dean as they tried to figure out how to open the gateway," So what's going on?"

      "Gateways usually need a key to unlock them," Sam said," We're trying to figure out how to open it."

      "Virgin's blood," Crowley said, disinterested," Simple, yet effective."

      Sam and Dean looked at you with raised brows.

      "Yes... I'm a virgin," you say.

      "Wait... how much blood do we need?" Castiel questioned, stepping towards you defensively.

      "Just a prick, that's all," Crowley said," Demons enjoy virgin's blood, so the least amount to use for unlocking the gate, means more for them."

      You felt your stomach twist," Oh yeah... demons deserve any smiting they get."

      Crowley pulled his shoulders forward with a sarcastic," Guilty."

      "Here, Y/n, give me your hand," Sam said softly.

      You hand him your hand and he poked the tip of your finger with the tip of his knife. You didn't flinch, you made sure of that. You didn't want to look weak in front of the Winchesters, or Cas, or lord forbid Crowley. Sam then took your bleeding finger and pressed it against the lock. Something started to churn and click behind the door, until it suddenly popped open. Dean pushed the door open. You stared down the dark, sulfur smelling staircase. You didn't hear any damned screams, but when you held your breath to stop smelling the sulfur, you could hear it. Faint cries of pain lifted to your ears.

      "So that's... Hell?" you ask, swallowing.

      "The one and only," Crowley said softly.

      "If you want to stay here, you can," Sam suggested.

      "No," you say," I'm alright. I'll go."

      "No one's making you," Dean said," And it may be a better idea for someone to guard the exit."

      "No. I'm going," you say firmly.

      Dean shook his head then started walking down the staircase. Sam followed behind him and you followed him. You glanced over your shoulder and saw Cas following you. Crowley walked beside him.

      Good, you thought, Cas'll make sure that he doesn't stab us in the back.

      You focus on the back of Sam's flannel shirt to try and keep from gagging on the sulfuric air. It was thick. Your throat burned. It reminded you too much of the demon trying to claw its way down your esophagus. Trying to control you. You paused for a half-second. Was the anti-possession symbol still on you?

      "Y/n? Is everything alright?" Cas asked, touching your shoulder.

      Sam and Dean stopped and looked back up at you. You pulled the neck of your shirt down and looked at the faded, almost too smudged pentagram and flames with horror.

      "I don't want to be possessed," you squeak.

      "I can help," Cas said.

      You turned and felt Cas press his hand against your collarbone. You felt something form in your skin. When Cas pulled away, you looked and saw an inked, permanent anti-possession tattoo on it. You felt relief slide across you.

      "Thank you," you say.

      "No problem," Cas said.

      "Alright, can we continue on?" Dean asked.

      "Yeah," you and Cas said at the same time.

      You hopped down the steps, feeling just a bit safer now with your new ink. You could even say you felt invincible. At least where demonic possession was concerned.

      At the bottom of the staircase, you could barely see through the tears the sulfur caused your eyes to produce. Cas, once again, noticed and took pity on you. He waved his hand over your face and the burning sensation disappeared. Crowley wasn't very happy being in Hell again. A fact he continued to state even after multiple requests and threats to stop bringing it up. You were about to run him through with the angel blade, when the group came up on a rocky overlook.

      "Looks like Asmodeus has a comfy throne room," Dean said, kneeling down behind the rocks to examine the situation.

      You looked over the rocky ledge and saw a man in a white suit, with grey, wavy hair and a grey beard. He was flanked by demons, with a whole courtyard filled with other demons carrying clipboards and papers.

      "Yeah, that's him," Crowley confirmed, then snorted," Look at those morons. Asmodeus is a fluent politician if nothing else."

      "Jealous much, Crowley," Sam teased.

      Before Crowley could object, Cas broke in," Where is Gabriel?"

      "I'm not sure his exact location," Crowley said," But if what I've heard is true. All we have to do is wait. He'll bring Gabriel out for more humiliation, then all we have to do is follow wherever they take him. Simple."

      "It's never that simple," Dean said," And shouldn't we get Gabriel before he's Asmodeus's personal toy."

      "Stealth, Squirrel, stealth," Crowley scolded," If we get him after, then we'll have more time to make our escape before Asmodeus realizes he's missing."

      Everyone shook their head because it was yet another good point made by Crowley. He'd thought this through it seemed.

      "Fine," Dean said," We'll wait."

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora