Seizures and Hallucinations (and lots and lots of blood)

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      Lucifer and Dean jumped to their feet as they heard pounding on the other end of the panic room door. Dean ran for the door and Lucifer followed. Dean opened the little look through window and peered inside.

      You writhed on the floor below the door, screamed.

      "Is that normal?" Lucifer asked.

      "Yes, I just hope that she doesn't-..." Dean stop talking when you were then thrown across the room as though by an invisible force.

      Lucifer reached for the locks, but Dean knocked his hand away. Lucifer looked at him with stunned horror.

      "We have to tie her down again," Dean explained, then looked Lucifer over," Got a belt?"

      Lucifer shook his head. Dean ran to the stairs leading to the main floor and screamed," BOBBY! SAM!"

      Castiel held you against the wall, punching you with the blunt end of his angel blade. You felt your nose break and spurt blood everywhere. Your eyesight was bleary and it felt like you were looking through blood. Everything was red and black. Castiel dragged you along the wall, knocking you into the table and driving your face into the cement.

      "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION!" Castiel screamed, kicking your face with the heel of his shoe," YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN CREATED!"

      You spluttered and spit more blood out onto the floor. But now the floor was covered in blood. Demon blood. You stared in horror as it pooled and started to fill the room. You tried to scramble to your feet, but Castiel kicked the back of your knee and sent you headfirst into the demon blood flood. You spit out the blood, coughing and hacking at it as you felt the acidic nature of it burn your already sore throat.

      "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS-..." Castiel yelled as he grabbed the back of your shirt and slammed you into the metal bar supporting the wall,"...- TO ABOMINATIONS! LIKE YOU!"

      You reached out, trying to grab Castiel. Trying to steady yourself by holding onto him and preventing him from throwing you again. But suddenly several hands grabbed onto you and yanked you off the wall. You couldn't scream, and your arms were stiff, stuck straight out to try and grab something to keep from going down into the flood of blood.

      Dean had your left side, Lucifer had your right, and Sam had your ankles. Bobby stood nearby with a belt in hand.

      "Careful! Don't drop her," Dean ordered as you whipped your arm around, trying to break free.

      Lucifer held you tightly, unable to tear his eyes away from your wide eyed, blank expression of terror. He didn't know what you were seeing, but he knew it must've been horrible by the way you were fighting against them. Dean placed his free hand on your chest. Sam practically sat on your legs, supporting himself up by pressing his hands on your shoulders. Bobby knelt behind your head and wrapped the belt around your skull, tightening it around your mouth so you had something to bite down on. You arched your back, mouth opening and closing as though gasping for air but receiving none. Your eyes were practically rolled back as you fought for air and space.

      "What's happening?!" Lucifer demanded through gritted teeth.

      "It's a seizure," Bobby managed to explain as he locked the belt," She's lost all sense of reality."

      "Come on Y/n, snap out of it," Lucifer begged as Dean pulled his belt off.

      "I'm pinning her arms down," Dean muttered, then waited for you to arch your back again in order to slide the belt under your back and clasp it together under your chest," Sammy, give me your belt. We have to tie her legs together too."

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