Return to Bobby's

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      Bobby stepped out onto the front porch as the Impala pulled up. He watched the boys get out, open the backseat door, then help you out. He hopped down the steps and cupped your face in his hands. His eyes were wide and worried as he looked between you and the boys supporting you.

      "Y/n, are you okay? What happened?" Bobby demanded.

      You felt your consciousness slipping away so you simply said," I just need some sleep, that's all," although your words were slurred like you were drunk. Which you weren't.

      "Get her down on the couch," Bobby ordered, stepping aside as he pointed to the house," Hurry, boys!"

      You felt Sam and Dean rush you inside. Your eyes fluttered open and you realized that you were almost gone. But it wasn't like falling asleep. It was... deeper. Darker. More potent. More dangerous. You felt the boys lay you across the couch. The same one that you'd spent countless nights laying on, doing homework or watching cartoons, reading up on lore, practicing Latin and spells for Bobby as he answered late night calls from hunters. Now you laid there, trying to stay awake.

      "Y/n... can you hear me?" Bobby asked," Say something, girl."

      "I'm sorry, Uncle Bobby," you slur, then flipped your hand over to try to hold Bobby's rough, calloused fingers, trying to ground yourself in the waking world.

      "No, no," Bobby grunted," You are not dying on MY couch, in MY house, and in front of MY eyes! You hear me!"

      "I can't..." you say roughly, your lungs and eyelids suddenly very heavy," It's too... hard... sorry... I'm sorry..."

      "NO!" Dean shouted, then shook you roughly," NO! Y/N! COME BACK!"

      Your eyes closed, even though you were fighting hard to stop it. You could feel your hands loosening. Sam's shirt fell away and Bobby was left holding your hand without your returned pressure. Dean's hands on your shoulders moved to your neck, then your jawline.

     "CAS! YOU HAVE TO GET HERE NOW!" Dean screamed into the air," NOW CAS! CAAAAAAS!"

      You heard a new voice and it was so startling to you it drew you out of the darkness for a moment. Long enough for you to see the owner of the voice. A black-haired man in a white dress shirt, navy blue tie, and beige trench coat stood in the middle of the room with a confused expression on his face. And then the darkness consumed you. 

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now