Confronting.... Basically Everyone

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      Sam didn't want you to get up, but you were tired of laying in bed. After you had divulged all the information you knew to him, you had fallen asleep. When you woke up, you were restless and needed to be on your feet. So the younger Winchester reluctantly helped you to your feet and held your arm as you walked from your room. You walked carefully, trying not to alert anyone to your coming. You were trying to listen and hear what they were saying about you. Sam didn't seem to notice, just trying to be super careful and gentle with you.

      "...'s just consider for a moment, that she is 18 years old and her coming into power is because of her age," you heard Bobby's voice echo from the kitchen,"... That doesn't explain why she's not wolfing out right now. She says she was bit as a baby."

      "Maybe she was already a werewolf when it happened," Dean's voice replied softly," I just looked up the hospital records. There was only one birth that took place at the time Y/n said. They identified her as Amy Vox. She had disappeared, police assumed kidnapping, several years before with several leads but none of them actually leading anywhere."

      "What makes you think she's a werewolf?" Bobby asked.

      "Because, at least according to the leads, it lines up with a werewolf pack that some hunters tracked and killed about 3 years ago," Dean said," I'm going to take that as a hint."

      "But she doesn't react to moons," Bobby said defensively.

      "Then maybe she's a pureblood. Or from a line of purebloods," Dean said.

      "Doesn't explain the lack of blood lust," Bobby said," Aside from burgers or cooked meats, she's never once tried to harvest a human heart. Or anything's heart actually."

      You had stopped and Sam realized why when he heard the conversation. You tried listening in, but Sam cleared his throat and stepped out. With you in tow. Everyone's head turned and stared at you. You raised your hand in a quick wave before sitting down on one of the dining room chairs. You catch Sam giving everyone a 'sorry' expression before sitting down himself. Dean looked away for a moment, acting like he was rubbing his nose, but you knew that he was just hiding his disapproval from you. Castiel and Gabriel were standing in the corner. Gabriel gave you a smile, one you couldn't return, and Cas avoided your gaze. Bobby had an ashamed kind of grimace on his face as he looked at you. What was he ashamed of, you could only guess...

      "So... pureblood?" you asked trying to be as chill as possible.

      "Maybe," Dean said," It's just a theory."

      "Well, can't say it's a bad one," you said," It does fill in a lot of gaps."

      You looked around at the people in the room, then noticed someone was missing.

      "Where's Hannah?" you asked.

      "She went back to Heaven to investigate," Castiel said, then sighed," She... thinks that Heaven may have some records."

      "Cool," you said with a half-brained nod.

      Everyone sat in an awkward silence. You felt so uncomfortable sitting in that dining room. A dining room you lived in, ate in, played in, messed up, fixed up, and grew up in. Surrounded by people you use to know you could trust, now not so sure just because you're not entirely human. How could they lose faith in you so quickly? You started to feel resentment well up in you. It thickened and grew until you couldn't sit quiet anymore.

      "Can someone just please come out and just say what you're thinking?" you asked in a shaky, broken voice," I know you're all waiting for me to turn dark side. I know you're all thinking it."

      "We just... we have to prepare for every contingency," Sam said softly.

      "That's fine, just don't act like I'm a monster when I haven't done anything yet," you said, feeling tears sting your eyes and gather in your eyelids," I'm still the Y/n you know. I just... have a lot more buttons, you know?"

      You tried to laugh, but the tears streaming down your face didn't pull it off the way you wanted it to. You tried to wipe them away, trying to laugh it off, but it wasn't working. You looked up as Bobby stepped to you and wrapped his arms around you. You clung to him, balling your fist up in his flannel shirt. You smelled his thick scent, a mix of alcohol and forest with something distinctly... Bobby.

      You were reminded of every time Uncle Bobby came home from a hunting trip. He used to be gone all the time. He and Rufus would jump towns for days on ends. You were looked after by passing hunters who needed a place to rest or stay over. Then Bobby was nearly killed by several evil entities and he decided his direct hunting days were over. He came home and stayed home. He took care of you and offered aid to all hunters who needed it, but from the comfort of home. Uncle Bobby sacrificed a lot to care for you. You just wanted him to be proud of you, and to follow in his footsteps. Monsters had never been a fairy tale or bed time story that you could be easily dissuaded from believing. Bobby never tried. He simply taught you how to learn with the reality and how to survive. How to not be afraid.

      And now you were terrified. But being held in Uncle Bobby's arms set your tensions at ease. You were still scared, but now it was being overcome by a burning desire to be better. To fight. To keep going. To prove something. A goal was forming in the deepest recesses of your mind. Bobby won't have to kill you. You wouldn't be the monster that everyone was afraid to have to kill. You would learn to control your powers and use them to save people. Killing things. Saving people. The family business. Like Dean said, you were a Winchester now. You've been to Hell and back. You and Sam share demon blood. You've been raised in the hunting life, more or less. And you've got to prove that you are still what you've always been. You.

      Uncle Bobby pulled away, tears in his own eyes as he whispered," I'm so sorry, Y/n... I truly am. I don't mean to make you feel like a monster..."

      You shook your head," I know... And I'll prove to you I'm not."

      "You don't have to prove anything," Bobby said quickly, but you interrupted him.

      "No. I have to... I promise, I won't hurt any of you," you said, looking up at the others," I won't let you down."

      For a moment, all anyone could do was stare. Then Dean took a deep breath and leaned forward, his arms stretched over the table to touch your arm.

      "We know you won't," Dean said softly with a glimmer of a smile under his tear rimmed eyes," You haven't yet. And we'll help you. Everyone here will. We believe in you. Because that's what family does."

      As you wiped your tears away, Dean stood up and walked over to your side and placed a hand on your shoulder. Sam stood and did the same. Gabriel knelt down beside you and held your right hand. Bobby held your left. Castiel stood with the boys with his hand rested firmly between your shoulder blades. Family. Your family. Standing and kneeling around you. Supporting you. Knowing that they could trust you, but fearing for the worst because none of them wanted to be the one who had to finish it. You could feel their emotions. Everyone was determined, but deep sadness was evident. You knew you had to get rid of that by proving yourself.

      You had a reason to hunt.

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz