What Happened?

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      You laid on the bed in the motel room, trying to wrap your mind around what happened earlier. You could still feel the burning sulfur in your throat. You took another long drink of water. When the water didn't fix the sensation, you searched the room for Bobby's gifts. It was sitting on the floor by the mini fridge. You checked the bag and was greatly concerned when you didn't find what you were searching for. After a moment of thought, you opened the mini fridge door. You found your whiskey-gin and removed it from the case. You twisted the lid off and took a long, satisfying gulp. The sulfur was finally gone with the tingling strength of the whiskey.

      You were startled by the door opening, causing you to choke on the alcohol. You leaned over, propping yourself up with your arms resting on your knees. Sam looked at you worriedly.

      "Y/n? Are you okay?" Sam asked.

      "Yeah," you say hoarsely," I'm fine. The sulfur's gone... I think."

      Sam shed his FBI jacket, tossing it onto the couch. He went to the mini-fridge and got out a beer. You and he sit across from each other on the beds, not saying anything, just drinking. Well, until Sam got uncomfortable with the silence and the obvious questions swimming around in his head.

      "What happened? With the demon... I mean," Sam asked," I've never seen a demon react that way. He was right there... in the middle of possessing you... and he just- turned tail? I've never heard of a demon doing that."

      You shrug," I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the anti-possession tattoo Dean drew," pulling your shirt down enough to look at the fading and slightly smudged pentagram and flames.

      "Maybe," Sam said," Maybe we should take you back to Bobby's. Just for a while-..."

      "I don't... I don't want to go back to Bobby's..." you say, but it wasn't as strong as you wanted it to sound.

      "You don't sound sure," Sam said softly," What's wrong?"

      "It's just... I don't know," you say," I just don't know why I'm hunting at all."

      "What do you mean?" Sam asked.

      "Why did you start hunting? You and Dean?" you ask.

      "Our mother was killed by a yellow-eyed demon named Azazel," Sam said," It drove Dad into a spiral of vengeance to kill it, and he dragged us into it. I didn't want to hunt. Not at first. But then Dad went missing, and my girlfriend-... Jess... was killed by the same demon. I was in college, learning to become a lawyer, my whole future ahead of me... but I guess it wasn't to be."

      "You don't regret it?" you ask.

      "Some days, on the hardest days or after the worst hunts, I wish I could be normal," Sam explained," This is something that you have to figure out yourself. Don't be afraid to try normalcy for a while. No one would blame you. Bobby would love it. No one would think any less of you if you did."

      "I might," you say," I might think less of me. I can't live normally, cause I know monsters exist. I'd be looking over my shoulder every day for the rest of my life."

      Sam didn't say anything, letting the silence linger for a little as you thought things over.

      "Maybe... maybe it would be good to see Bobby again," you say," Tell him about all my adventures so far..."

      "Alright. Alright, we'll... we'll take you back," Sam said," And- if it makes you feel better... we'll stay with you until you decide."

      "I can't ask you to do that," you say, feeling your throat tighten.

      "You didn't ask," Sam said," I'm telling you. We care about you. We want you to be able to choose what you want to do. Even if it's walking away from the Hunter's life."

      Sam stood up the moment the door cracked open and Dean walked in. Leaving you to your thoughts, your whiskey-gin, and a growing headache.

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