Butcher Shoppe, Morgue, Funeral Home

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      Well not only was the morgue flanked by a butcher shoppe, but on the other side was a funeral home. Ironic if not demented. It was like a schizo nightmare. Anyways... You strolled into the morgue, flashed your FBI tags, then was escorted into the autopsy room.

      The autopsy doctor pulled out Kingsley Vale's body first. He explained that there was high acidic residue in his blood study so he had drawn up the conclusion that Kingsley was high on drugs or LSD or some sort of acid. You assured him it wasn't that strange of a cause. The doctor grunted something about it feeling too strange for his tastes as he pushed Kingsley back into the icebox.

      Then he pulled out Nicole's body. Well... in the loosest terms of a body. More like a puzzle in which the pieces no longer fit together so the best you can do is place the corresponding pieces in their respective places, trying to see the picture through the gaps. Nicole Vale was hacked into about 30 different puzzle pieces and was missing about 5 of them. Kingsley did a thorough job if his intent was brutalized killing. The autopsy doctor put her away as quickly as possible, his face pale and sickly as he tried to not look. You were also disgusted, but you were also able to control your emotions.

      You thanked the doctor, then left. As you stood in the morgue's lobby, you phoned Sam , who at this point was with Dean and Alek and Mila. From what you could gather from the background noise, it sounded like Dean was coloring or drawing with Alek and Alek was laughing at his lack of skill. Sam sounded like he was in a good mood, well, until you painted him a bright, bloody picture of the two bodies.

      "Well, I was looking into it and I may have found a reason," Sam said.

      "Of course you did," you reply.

      "The symbol on the wall... it's a calling card," Sam said," It can call all kinds of things, so I'm not sure what or who Kingsley- er... the demon, was contacting. But... I don't think the demon found a connection to his contact."

      "Why do you say that?" you ask, even though you really don't want to know.

      "If the lore's right," Sam said," The spell needs more sacrifices. Virgin blood, and Innocence. Nicole was just the... paint, for the symbol. Not the whole rite."

      "The kids..." you say softly," The demon was going to use the kids. Mila and Alek would fill both virgin and innocent."

      "But he didn't get them," Sam said," He didn't finish the spell. And we haven't killed him yet. He may try again."

       "Crap..." you mutter.

      "Are you coming back? Do you want me to pick you up?" Sam asked.

      "I'll just walk over," you say," I'll call you if the block is too much for me to walk."

      You hung up and started walking. It was a sunny day. Warm, too. The sun beat down on your jacket, making you sweat that much more. Dundee was a nice town, if you ignored the three deathly ironic businesses on the corner of the block.

      You wondered if you would've ever come here if you had a normal job. A normal life. Not that you wanted a normal life, it was just always fun to think about it. The lackluster career with no death-ensuing risks, a nice house with a butt-ton of mortgage, maybe a husband and some squirmy, dirty-faced kids.

      Sure it was fun to imagine, but you weren't ready or willing to let go of the Hunter's Life.  Especially since you just got a hold of it. And sure, in a normal life you didn't worry about being scarred or hunted or attacked by supernatural forces. Demons and angels were bible stories told to children to teach morals. Werewolves and vampires were YA novels that were some author's bread and butter. Ghosts were stories told around a campfire that threatened to burn someone's marshmallows.

      So, thanks but no thanks. You choose the excitement of the Hunt...

      Just as you were declaring your desire to be a hunter in your thoughts, something grabbed you and dragged you into a dark alley. You whipped your gun out and used the handle as a club. You made contact with something solid, and convinced whoever grabbed you to let you go. You whirled around, finger on the trigger, ready to shoot off a few rounds at whoever it was.

      "Well now," the middle aged, well dressed man said, drawing out the words like a serpent's hiss," They told me you were potentially good, but not feisty like that..."

      "Who are you?" you demand.

      "Such impatience," the demon smirked, his black eyes flashing at her," You need to learn some respect for our kind."

      You shot off two rounds. The demon didn't even flinch as the bullets ripped through his black suit-jacket. You turned and started running. But before you made it 3 feet, the demon appeared in front of you. You skidded to a halt, snarling at the demon. He simply laughed at you.

      "You killed Kingsley and Nicole Vale!" you shouted, hoping to get someone's attention from the street," You tried to kill those kids! Who are you trying to contact?"

      "Ah... so you figured it out," the demon growled, suddenly irritably,"... How clever of you."

      You didn't bother trying to explain it was Sam, not you. You smirked halfheartedly.

      "So who are you contacting?" you demand again.

      "His name is still a mystery," the demon stated," But he will bring about a new age. One where demons will rule over you pathetic, simple humans."

      "Oh, and this Mystery Monster will like demons more than humans, huh?" you ask with a bite of venom," How do you know that he'll side with you?"

      "Because demons are a superior species," the demon smiled smugly," We are far more powerful than you humans."

      "To be determined," you say with a shrug.

      "To be proven," the demon growled, then started looking you over with a very hungry, very perverted look," They were right when they said you'd be the perfect suit..."

      Horror flashed through your mind as you realized you had no defense against demonic possession. You hoped that if you survived this, you'd suck it up and face your fear of needles long enough to get an anti-possession tattoo. You started to run. The demon ran after you, gaining on you. You pumped your arms harder and stretched your legs out farther and farther. The Police Station wasn't much farther. If you could get inside, you felt you could find safety with the boys. Maybe they could save you from being a crazy demon's meat-suit.

      Oh please oh please... OHGODNO!

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