Staying Behind

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      You were let out of the hospital the next day. The wings were large and clumsy, causing you to stumble around a drunken sailor. They were heavy too, which didn't help. Gadreel actually gave you a pair of crutches for you to walk around on until you were used to the weight and gaudiness of the wings. You took a few laps down the hospital corridors before you and your family checked out. Lucifer was beaming prouder than you'd ever seen as he led you out towards the exit. You were starting to worry his face would break due to the huge smile. Dean had run out to get the Impala and drive it around the front to pick most everyone up in. Those with wings, and the ability to teleport (so not you), decided they'd take a secret flight back to Lucifer's flat.

      "You'll be alright?" Lucifer asked lowly as you heard the familiar engine rumble coming closer.

      "Of course," you assured him," As long as I don't whack Dean in the face while he's driving, we'll be cool."

      "Good," Lucifer said, but you could tell he was disappointed he wasn't going with you.

      Dean and the Impala appeared and stopped in front of the group with Dean opening the passenger door.

      "Y/n, passenger seat," Dean called," Sam, Bobby, backseat."

      "Of course, you put me in the backseat," Bobby muttered as he slipped inside after Sam.

      "Could I come with you?" Cas asked out of the blue.

      "Of course," you said before anyone could object," Maybe you can tell me how to keep from hitting Dean with my wings on the way."

      Cas looked strangely stiff as he nodded and slid into the backseat, directly behind you. You heard and felt Cas close the door and then Dean putting Baby into drive.

      "We'll catch you at your place, Luce," Dean called to Lucifer who gave him a thumbs up.

      "We'll be there before you," Lucifer taunted.

      "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was a challenge," Dean said.

      "No racing!" you snapped with a grin," I'm not about to go back to the hospital because of something stupid."

      Dean pouted his lip as he started to drive. You waved to Lucifer as Baby gained some distance. You saw him wave back before he and the Gabriels disappeared. You knew they would get to the flat before you. And you were excited just to be out of the hospital. You tried to lean back against the back of the seat, but the wings made it difficult.

      "Here, let me help you," Cas murmured as he adjusted your wings so that you could lean back more comfortably.

      "Thanks," you said as you relaxed a little.

      The city of angels was still just as beautiful and bustling with bright blue skies and skyscrapers reflecting sunlight off the thousands of windows. You stared at those passing by and saw them differently. You could see a portion of who they were, their souls. You couldn't comprehend how beautiful they were. You found you could control your angel powers. You could turn it on and off by simply changing your focus.

      You practiced doing that with your werewolf powers as well. You practiced combining both your angel powers to your werewolf powers to smell, hear and feel the bustling people all around. It was entertaining to say the least, and occasionally, you'd spot an undercover angel trying to blend into the human masses. They would automatically sense you and stare as you passed by. You would wave to them, and they'd make some sort of motion to you.

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