(forget the highway, it's the...) Gateway to Hell!

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      "Well darlings, we're here," Crowley said, gesturing to an abandoned supermarket warehouse," The backdoor to Hell."

      Dean and Sam were scanning the place with their binoculars. You were trying your best without binoculars and Cas had left to investigate up close and personal to the so-called 'Backdoor to Hell'. It was dark and the only light you had were the dim street lights in the parking lot and just behind the Impala. You heard flapping wings before Cas appeared next to you.

      "There are several demons guarding the gateway," Cas said," I could take them out right now."

      "Take them out?" Crowley asked," They're demons. The meanest, evilest, and most malicious guard the gateways."

      "They're playing poker with several empty cases of beer sitting nearby," Cas said disenchanted.

      Crowley rolled his eyes," Of course they are."

      He flicked his hand and said," Go ahead. Kill them. They're traitors anyways."

      Cas looked at Dean and Sam for confirmation.

      "Go on," Dean said.

      You were startled by the flapping of wings and Cas's sudden disappearance. You shook the startled tingling feeling out of your limbs, then put your head back out the window.

      "So, you're name is Y/n," Crowley said," No last name?"

      "No," you say," My parents were killed by a Chupacabra and I felt no reason to carry on my last name."

      "So, if you're not a Winchester, like some demons believe," Crowley said," What are you?"

      "Crowley, leave her alone," Sam said," Y/n just ignore him."

      You try to ignore Crowley, but Crowley was insistent on talking to you.

      "I heard there was a scuffle between you and a demon in the last couple days," Crowley said," Braxol was extremely upset that he couldn't possess a simple little human. Wouldn't shut up about it even as I ran him through."

      "He's... dead?" you ask.

      "Yes," Crowley said," That's how I learned about Asmodeus and Gabriel. Well, between that and the others I've interrogated that is. They're all preaching like drunken Catholics after Happy Hour about the new age of demon rule."

      "What do they say about it?" Sam asked.

      Dean gave him a sharp glare. To which Sam gave him a 'what' motion. You shake your head as you look back out at the warehouse, looking for any sign of Castiel.

      "They say that it's more powerful than an archangel," Crowley said," That it's as blood thirsty as a monster, and that it's got the most potent demon blood coursing through its veins. They believe that it'll bring Hell to Earth and Heaven. Every living thing will bow to it or be destroyed by it."

      "Do they have any idea what it looks like?" Sam asked.

      "They don't have a clue. One said it would look like black smoke. Another said it would look like every kind of monster known and unknown. Others say it will be the most hideous looking thing in all of creation. But no one actually knows."

      "Wonderful," Sam and Dean said at the same time.

      Another set of flapping wings and Castiel appeared beside you. You jerk upwards with a gasp, then leaned your head against Cas's shoulder as your heart slowed down.

      "All the demons are dead," Cas said, then petted your head," The gateway is open."

      "Alright, let's go," Dean said, opening his door and getting out," Get all the demon fighting weapons out of the back."

      You, Cas, Sam, and Crowley got out and followed Dean around the back as he opened the trunk, then the secret door, propped it up with a shotgun, then tossed weapons to everyone standing around.

      "Here, Y/n," Dean said, handing you a pistol," It's got Devil Trap bullets in it. It'll paralyze them. Temporarily."

      You shook the magazine out and looked at the bullets. Little pentagrams decorated the tips of the bullets. You shoved it back in, listening to the satisfying click it made. You holstered it and started searching for other weapons you could use.

      "Y/n, I have something for you," Cas said.

      "What?" you ask as you step back from the trunk.

      "This," Cas said, handing you a silver, three-sided blade," It's called an angel blade. It will kill anything we might encounter."

      You took it, and examined it. It was both light and heavy. It shimmered in the dim street light. It was a beautiful blade. The smooth handle fitting in your hand like it was meant for you.

      "What about you?" you ask, concerned for your angel friend.

      "I have another," Cas said with a smile, then showed you a second blade he dropped out from his trench coat sleeve.

      "I have an angel blade too," Crowley said, brandishing his own.

      "You stole that," Cas said, putting his back in his sleeve," There's no honor in that."

      "What? I can't have nice things?" Crowley asked.

      You rolled your eyes and stepped away from the quarrelsome demon and annoyed angel, searching through the weapons trunk for a holster you could slide your new weapon into for safe keeping until you needed it. Dean handed you one, with several magazines with Devil's Trap bullets. You loaded them onto your belt and slipped the holster on as well. You stood away from the boys to practice grabbing, whipping, and holstering the knife in smooth motions. It wasn't too hard. All you had to do was not think too hard about it.

      "Ready?" Sam asked the group.

      "Locked and loaded," Dean said with a dorky smile as he loaded the salt-rock, double shotgun with a round.

      You decided not to holster the angel blade. It felt nice in your hand. You were able to squeeze your anxieties out onto it without fear of a misfire. You felt grounded while holding it. Speaking of grounded, Castiel walked closely beside you. Also gripping his angel blade tightly. You smiled as you snuck a glance at Cas's deadly, 'protective' expression on his face. He was cute when he got all protective.

      Then you arrived at the gateway. Terrific.

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora