Day Thirteen: Training with Gabriel

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      Training with Gabriel was pretty exciting. He always had something different for you after you'd developed skill with a previous one. Since he was an archangel, he knew what kind of powers you could handle and which ones you couldn't. Well, there was that incident with the insta-creation. You didn't mean to summon an actual polar bear. You just wanted a polar bear PLUSHIE. Obviously that didn't happen. And it took you and Gabriel about 3 hours of running around and him waving his arms erratically to be able to get the jump on the bear long enough to send it back to the Arctic without further harm.

      Thank goodness Bobby and the others were out on a supply run when this happened. The only damage the polar bear caused was to an already crappy-looking, old Ford Explorer. Bobby wouldn't notice... maybe.

      With that, Gabriel decided wing training would be a nice change. You asked him if you even had wings.

      "I can't see them, but then again, I wouldn't have know you had all your other powers if I went by sight only," Gabriel said, then said," Now watch me..."

      He tried to explain to you how to unfurl your wings by showing you, but... you couldn't see his wings either.

      "Hm... maybe you're still too human," he said, resting his fist on his chin thoughtfully.

      "First I'm not human enough, and now I'm TOO human?" you asked.

      "Don't take it the wrong way," Gabriel said quickly," Humans weren't designed to see angel wings unless we wanted them to. And even then, it's just shadows on the wall."

      "But if I really am a Nephilim, shouldn't there be enough angel in me to see your wings?" you asked.

      "The question we must investigate," Gabriel said slyly," Maybe if I try to show you my power... I mean, maybe you'll see them."

      "Worth a go," you said, then sat down on the hood of an old Mercedes," Proceed."

      Gabriel curtsied," As you wish," before straightening, his eyes suddenly glowing a burning blue.

      You squinted just a tiny bit against the bright, burning light that cascaded from Gabriel. You could see the shadow of wings being cast onto the work shed behind him. They were huge, beautiful. Then the lights faded and it was just Gabriel.

      "Wow..." you breathed," They were beautiful."

      "What color were they?" Gabriel asked.

      "Uh... black? I could only see the shadow..." you said softly, apologetically.

      "It's alright," Gabriel said, walking back to you," Maybe you're just not ready for that lesson yet."

      Disappointment wafted over you. You really wanted to learn about angel wings. You wondered if you even had wings. You hadn't thought about it long before, but you were actually hoping that you did. It would be so cool to have wings. To fly. To teleport. To whatever the term was. To be here and gone in half a second with a single flap of your wings.

      "Alright," you said," What else can we do then?"

      "We could... oh! Manipulate reality!" Gabriel exclaimed excitedly.

      "We did that already," you said," Remember? I turned you into a tube of toothpaste."

      Gabriel snapped his fingers as he remembered and said," That wasn't as unpleasant as it sounds."

      "So... anything else?" you asked.

      "Uh..." Gabriel silently listed things off on his fingers as he tried to think of anything new," Yeah... I'm out of ideas."

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