"Gotta get to Warren. Murphy's taking over." He said leaning forward on the table and began to whisper urgently, "She's gotta stop him."

"Where is Murphy?" Doc asked.

"Spokane." Both Bailey and 10K said but 10K rolled his tongue a bit more when he pronounced it.

"Spokane, Washington?" Doc clarified and they both nodded, "Of course." He scoffed.

"He's starting a new world odor." 10K said with a dark look in his gaze.


"New. . . world . . .older." 10K said still trying to get it right, "Nude. . . whole. . . under." 10K kept going still looking serious but his words were not making any sense.

"Kid you gotta hold it together." Doc said desperately, "Look man, we're gonna bust out of here, okay?"


"And we stretch up and down, bend your knees and down." The nurse said after she'd called for daily stretches. She had everyone stand up as she stood in front of the room and guided them. Doc made sure he, Bailey and 10K were in the back and Bailey knew he was planning to make their move.  "Stretch to the sky and down. And up and down. Winona you can do this. And down. You're getting tubby and down. Just stretch and down, bend your knees and down. Don't hurt your back and down, it feels good and down, looking good and down."

Bailey noticed Winona and Bob weren't doing as the nurse instructed but she didn't seem too concerned about that. Elvis was rocking to his own version and Liddy was going nuts moving all about the room jumping around, even around Winona who glared at him. As Doc pulled 10K's arm over his shoulders and tried to discreetly take him out of the room Bailey noticed Bob, who had just been spinning in a circle, stared at them as they left. She hoped he was too out of it to report them to the nurse as they ducked into the next room full of bunk beds and 10K grabbed a pillow off one of the mattresses.

"No napping." Doc scolded taking the pillow from him and tossing it on another bed. They dragged 10K into the hall and hurried for the nearest exit. Doc stopped and pulled them back before he turned and Bailey saw they were in front of the storage room. Doc left 10K with Bailey as he rushed in and grabbed their stuff quickly getting it back on him as Bailey took her bags and weapons.

As they continued their escape - which was difficult with 10K walking funny like he hadn't readjusted to his boots - 10K kept staring at the glove on his hand flipping his palm back and forth.

"There's only one." He said seeming in a daze.

"Apparently you like wearing it that way." Bailey said as they rushed him down the steps. At the bottom was a door barricaded by furniture but it was starting to come loose from so many Z's now pounding on it. The whole thing would probably topple over by the end of the day.

"Oh, we can't go that way." Doc said pulling 10K to a halt.

"Look." 10K said his voice deep and rough as he pointed at the door.

"Yeah, I know. That barricade's not gonna hold much longer." Doc said and Bailey readjusted the strap of her bag across her torso.

"We gotta tell Warren." 10K said staring at the floor, his voice still deep and rough as his hand moved from pointing at the door to Doc, "Gotta. . . about the. . . " he said looking up at them, "Tell her."

"I know. I know." Doc said then turned to Bailey. "Look. We can't just leave those folks back there. I know it's crazy but we got to go warn them. Damn I hate having scruples." He said but when they went to turn back they saw the nurse, Bob and Elvis at the bottom of the steps behind them. 

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