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I walked into the classroom greeted by my best friend, I didn't know it then but that day.. My life would turn upside down.

"Y/n!!" I looked to see Yachi standing there happy as always. I saw Tsukishima rolling his eyes. Him and I.. We went to the same middle school. We got paired up to be partners for an english project.

Flash back

"You can leave your stuff there." I said to him.. This guy is the class jerk. I don't have time for his attitude. I just wanna get this over with. We sat down in the living room and I looked at him.. He looked upset. More the usual. "Hey, are you alright Tsukishima?" He scoffed at me.

"You know, you might be quiet in class.. But you sure are nosey as ever." I rolled my eyes at him. I took out my textbook and started doing the work we were assigned. I don't understand how that question was nosey. I was just looking out for him. I squeezed my textbook, and without thinking started talking.

"Hey.. Tsukishima?" He turned his head over and looked at me. "I uh.." I started to stutter and all of a sudden I was nervous. For what though? "I uh.. I was wondering why you're such a jerk all the time." I looked him dead in the eyes. He looked shocked.. And confused. He chuckled at me.

"Me being honest does not mean I'm a jerk.. A jerk would do this." He scooted closer to me.. I froze in confusion. What was he about to do? He grabbed my face making long eye contact with me. I already knew what was gonna happen. But why am I not stopping him? Why do I want him to? He leaned in, and he kissed me. I kissed back. He then stopped. The feeling of his lips on mine.. It felt familiar.. Like in a past life we've done it before. He scooted away.

"I uh-" He cut me off.

"I'm sorry I don't know why I just did that. Can we please just forget about it?" My heart dropped. Why am I upset? I nodded and continued my work.

End of flashback

Of course I never talked to him again after that. It was our last year and I thought to myself we might not go to the same highschool. But as soon as I walked into the door the first day of school, I saw him.

"Y/n!!" I looked up not even realizing I had zoned out and completely ignored Yachi.
"Oh my god I'm sorry Yachi, What were you saying?" She smiled at me.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something after school for the volleyball club." Volleyball? I don't know anything about volleyball.

"Yachi.. I don't know anything about volleyball."

"You don't need to.. Plus you're not in any clubs we could use the extra help.. If you're committed you can come to Tokyo with us for our practice matches!!" Tokyo.. I was born there.. I haven't been there since I moved here in the beginning of middle school. It would be nice to go back.

"Okay.. I'll help!" I smiled at Yachi and sat down at our seats.

After class me and Yachi went to change into more comfortable clothes. After that we went inside the gym. And I was greeted with a ball almost hitting me in the head. I screamed and hid behind Yachi.

"I'm so sorry!!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked at who it was and it was Yamaguchi who's in my class. "Are you okay?" I looked at him, He looked genuinely worried.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking Yamaguchi." He smiled at me and headed back to the court. I looked at everyone playing and then someone caught my eye. Tsukishima? My thought was interrupted with a tap on my shoulder. A very pretty girl was standing right in front of me.

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