Chapter 19-Lies

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After helping those girls from team Hanzo, me and the five girls arrived during the lunch period that occurs between general combat class and specializing classes. So me and the girls decided to grab something to eat at the cafeteria, after all, a mission like that is bound to make almost anyone hungry.

As I walked down the halls, I noticed that team Hanzo was still following me for some reason. Katsuragi, who buttoned up her shirt uniform after I told her too, was now clinging to my left arm as we walked. Asuka on the other hand, was gripping my other arm with jealousy in her eyes. Thankfully, Ikaruga, Yagyu, and Hibari just followed closely behind me.

Of course, the duo of Asuka and Katsuragi got me a lot of unwanted attention and stares from the people in the halls. Mostly guys for obvious reasons, while the girls just gave Katsu and Asuka jealous glares. I didn't really know what to do in this kind of situation, so I just ignored it while trying my best to keep a calm expression on my face. Which is incredibly difficult when girls are putting my arms between their dohoonkabhankoloos and walking through a hallway with their friends close behind.

When we finally reached the cafeteria, I was immediately met with some idiot screaming in envy, that's when I realized that the idiot was Issei. He sat not to far from the entrance, and his only company were the rest of the perverted trio and Mineta, all of whom had some sort of photo in their hands.

"C'mon dude!" Issei shouted at me, not angry, just extremely jealous. "Are you trying to make me jealous?!"

"Of all the things I'm trying to do, that is not one of them." I bluntly answered, while Mineta and the other two idiots began glaring at me. "Besides, you're my friend, why would I go out of my way to make you jealous?"

"Oh yeah, then what are you trying to do?!" Mineta shouted as he pointed at me with a photo in his hand, revealing that it was some random girl in a swimsuit.

"Let's see here...trying to learn a telekinetic skill, leveling up, becoming a better leader for my peerage, trying to better my hydrokinetic abilities, becoming a better fit for my know, the usual stuff." I informed the group of perverts while team Hanzo left to go get something to eat. "Also Issei, have you been training to better use that sacred gear of yours?"

"Okay, I'll let you off the hook this time..." Issei then pointed at both his eyes and then at me with two fingers. "Next time, I won't be so merciful."

"You literally just brushed off my question about your training." I deadpanned at the boy with a sweatdrop on my head, then I noticed someone calling my name. "Gotta go, see you guys later!"

As I walked away from the perverts, I saw that the person who called me was actually Bam, who was sitting with the rest of my peerage. However, Sung wasn't there, mostly because now he has a job and doesn't need to com here anymore. In any case, I walked over to the group to see that Seraphina was showing Khun something on her phone, Mira was petting some orange blob with one green eye, and Shiyeon was asking Mori about something that was probably martial arts.

As I walked over to the table, I noticed that Khun was hiding a shocked look on his face. So after I walked to the table, I sat in the space between Bam and Sujin. After sitting down Joe gave me an apple, noticing that I didn't grab any lunch. Then I turned my head at Khun, so see an even more shocked expression on his face.

"So Rachel's in an idol group now?" Khun let out a low, yet evil, laugh. "Well now it can't be hard to track her down."

"Khun, that's Eli Ayase." Sera corrected the guy, who looked genuinely shocked. "She's from Russia and is currently going out with the cousin of one of her friends, I think her boyfriend's name was....(Y/N) Toujou?"

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