Chapter 5-The Begining of it all

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(Your POV)

"I don't know about my fellow staff, but I am certainly glad to see so many people enlisted at our little establishment here!" Doctor V excitedly shouted, trying to make us feel at ease but with no dice. "Well look, I've set up this little school here to accommodate all of your guy's needs so ya'll better be grateful."

"So could you elaborate more on this place?" Requested a buff guy with salmon colored hair and a green uniform. "Not to sound rude or anything, but the flyer just gave us the address and an invitation to this place."

"Of course Mr

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"Of course Mr.Kakyoin!" Shouted V, making the microphone ring for a bit before he continued. "This school is made to act like a normal highschool and/or college with a few key differences, namely the schedule flexibility and intensified focus in the physical education program. Also there aren't any sports teams because you lot will probably destroy them all."

To my surprise, Joe was the next to raise his hand. It didn't lick at first, but then I remembered that he was in a band before joining my peerage. I think the name was Urban Animal, which sounds like a good name for a comic book.

"What about other clubs and extracurricular activities?" Joe asked, causing Doc V's eyes to home in on him. "You know, like fairs, events, and other stuff like that."

"Those are still under debate, but we'll most likely have them because you combat students aren't the only ones here." V then over dramatically held up three fingers. "That is the first idea that we got from another school, we don't just focus on combat here, we focus on strategy, support, business, and general studies like U.A. The second idea was to train everyone to be well balanced, an idea I got from the Soul Reaper's Academy. The last idea was to mainly focus on everyone's specialties, I know that may sound like it contradicts what I said earlier, but that training is going to be so you can defend yourselves, but we'll sill be primarily focusing on what you're good at. After all, we don't make fish fly here, nor do we make birds swim."

"Well that's a first." Issei whispered to both me and Ichigo, making us let out a low and quiet laugh.

"While this may sound great and all to most of you, don't get too excited because there's one more test you people need to pass before entering." V then began laughing hysterically before pointing above us. "You must pass...the XV exam!"

Almost in unison, all of us looked up to find that the freaking ceiling disappeared. I looked at Issei and Ichigo for their reactions, but they were just as shocked as I was. I could tell Uryu was about to shout or something at V, but the doctor now has a lever that none of us seemed to have noticed before. Scratch that, I doubt the lever was even there before we all looked up. V must have noticed my little dilemma and shot me a wide grin, showing off that he was in complete control here.

V then pulled the lever, somehow activating something underneath the seats, sending us off a cliff that was behind the building. Looking around me, a good percentage of the people around me were panicking from the obvious fact that we were sent flying off a cliff and into the forest below. The only exceptions to that rule were Khun and Dawei, both of whom looked 100% done with whatever happens to them.

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