When he woke up his side was patched again with fresh gauze and his hands were bound with duct tape. Will wasted no time hauling him off the ground and shoving him along as they made their way east again after the injectors and the people that took them.

"Did you know Murphy has a plan to get the electricity going again?" Will asked, he didn't respond to Will's attempt at making conversation, just kept walking, "And running water? Can you imagine indoor plumbing again? I know I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it but somehow when Murphy says something's gonna happen, it happens."

"That's what I'm afraid of." He muttered with a sour look on his face as he kept his eyes forward.

"Yeah, fear. That's what attracts the zombies. That's how this whole thing started but Murphy's cure, it fixes all of that. How could you not want to be part of that?"

"You don't know him like I do." He answered his voice deep and filled with hate. Will only laughed.

"Hey, look. All I know is my daughter's still alive. And me, my wife, my baby girl, for the first time in years we're actually safe."

"You're only saying that because he bit you." Then Will grabbed his upper arm and made 10K turn to look at him.

"I asked him to. I begged him to actually. And it was the best decision I ever made for my family."

"So you traded your freedom for safety. Do you even remember what you were before he bit you?"

"Yeah, afraid. That's what I was. But not anymore. You wanna talk about freedom. That's freedom."

"That's brainwashing." Then Will grabbed him by the chin and turned his head so he could look at the mark the injector had left on his neck.

"What do you think was in that injector?" he asked before turning 10K's head back to look at him, not letting go of his chin.

"My free will." He replied and Will let go only to tap the side 10K's face while he clicked his tongue.

"I don't think so. That medicine wasn't meant for you, it's messing with your mind. It's making you paranoid and afraid. These days afraid and dead are the same thing. That's why Murphy sent me. To get those injectors back. So nobody else gets sick in the head like you."

Then there was snarling and they both turned to see a Z stumbling their way. Will turned and walked over to it but being a blend it ignored him. 10K had been expecting Will to either shove it away or kill it but his eyes went wide when he saw Will do neither, instead he just continued walking until he was a good distance away leaving 10K with his hands tied and having to fend for himself. The Z stumbled toward him and 10K crouched down trying to pick up the nearest rock, but it was too big and it wouldn't budge and with his hands tied he couldn't get a good grip on it anyway. The Z got too close and 10K hit it trying to give himself enough space to grab something to use as a weapon. But the Z was stronger than he thought and he had to hit it so hard that both of them ended up knocked down. 10K rolled onto his stomach and tried to crawl away but the zombie got a good grip on his leg and 10K couldn't kick it off.

"The world without Murphy." Will said, "It's just more of this." He said as 10K continued to crawl and kick knocking the zombie off only for it to grab onto him again, "An unending slog of fear and misery leading to certain death."

"Please!" 10K shouted desperately.

"I could put you out of your misery." Will said bringing his gun to 10K's head when he'd gotten close enough. "Give you mercy?"


"Please what?"

"I don't want to be afraid anymore!" he said looking up and still seeing the gun aimed at his head. He felt the Z grab onto his leg again and he looked down at the ground expecting to be killed one way or another. Then he heard a gunshot go off and the Z stopped clawing at him but when he looked up Will had turned and before he could raise his gun Bailey was there with her gun to his head. She must have used her last shot to end the Z and was now threatening Will with an empty clip, but he didn't know that.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now