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"so did you text him last night?" Gabbie asks as we watch the kids play

"yup and we're going on a date soon"

"omg you didn't even need my help"

"i am older than you, you know"

"speaking of did he think you were super old because of your 17 year old"

"probably but i told him that we adopted them"

"did you say the story"

"no way i need to know someone for longer than a day to tell them about that mess"

"true true. text him now"


"why not"

"i don't want to be the first one to text"

"show initiative"

"i don't even know what that means i don't know if you forgot that i dropped out of college to have children"

"okay well i dropped out of high school so you can't be that dumb" is that true? idk

"anyways i'm not text-" i get interrupted by my phone dinging

i look down and corbyn texted me

C- are you by any chance at a park right now

S- umm yeah i'm with my sister why

C- i always go on a run nearby a playground and i thought i saw you

S- you probably did

C- i'd walk over and say hi but i'm kinda shirtless and sweaty and i don't want to traumatize your children

S- lol thank you for thinking of them

C- of course my goal in life is definitely not to ruin kids childhoods

"ooo you're laughing what is he saying"

i show her and she laughs

"see he's funny... ooo omg look over there" she secretly points across the park and i look

"is that him?" i ask


i start to stare and he looks over

"oh no he saw me looking"

"good now he knows you're interested"

"yeah in his abs, his hot, sweaty, glistening abs that i want to-"

"mommy can we go home" Jordan asks interrupting me

"what why"

"Ellianna and Lavender are boring"

"They're girls play with hunter"

"he also boring and him and lavender are talking like babies"

"well Jordan they are babies"

"ugh but they are boring babies" he throws himself on me and i laugh

"i gonna take nap wake me up when we home"

"you know Jordan's right we should leave"

"how about we leave once corbyn is not walking around here so i can stare at his abs"

"you know you can just find them online"


"dude he's famous"


"oh my god he's friends with my ex cause they're in a band together"

"oh well i didn't know that"

"you're stupid"

"hey no you"

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