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it's been three months since Corbyn offered to move in with me and well a lot has happened

first of all, I'm pregnant

second Hayden graduated last month and it's summer now

third, my family and Corbyn are planning on living together in the house his manager gave him. and for now until we do he's going to be moving all his stuff in with me

and lastly, I THINK corbyns going to propose to me soon

I'm not 100 percent sure yet but everyone is being weird. Corbyn took everyone, and I mean everyone even my baby hunter out to eat without me. ever since then, everyone is being suspicious

even the twins who tell me everything won't talk about what they were talking about at dinner

"Hey babe I'm home," Corbyn says coming inside

"hi I'm over here"

he walks over to me on the couch and grabs my hand to stand up

"ugh I don't want to get up"

"Trust me you do. follow me"

"Can I get a kiss first"

he kisses me and brings me outside to his car

"ugh where are we going"

"you'll see get in the car"



"fine! oh, the baby moved today!"

"really he did?!"

"yup I wish you were here to feel it. by the way where are my children?" I ask sitting in the car

"don't worry about that"

"um babe I told you to watch my kids where are they"

"they're safe okay trust me just relax. now close your eyes, take a nap, do whatever we're going somewhere far"

"Okay, now I'm nervous. you're taking me somewhere far, I don't know where my kids are, Corbyn please what's going on"

"baby relax they're with your ex-husband's mom"

"Okay, you could've just told me that. so where are we going"

"you'll see. so tell me, do you have any name ideas for the baby" he asks as we drive away

"I have a few. do you?"

"Yeah. I know how much you miss your ex-husband and how he was such an amazing person so I think we should name our baby Carter."

"even though he's my ex"

"of course. also, I'm proud of you, you're calling him your ex"

"well I just feel bad for still talking about him in the current while I'm with you"

"I love you but you don't have to call him that until you're ready."

"I am ready though"

"good. you'd be ready to have me be your husband?"

"mhm. you make me and my kids so happy. really Corbyn thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you"

"aw, baby I love you too. I'm so excited about our baby together. I know you already have 6 kids but are you excited for another"

"yes of course I am. I love my babies so far and I know that I'll love this one too. I may have Hayden leaving me but I have another coming."
after a while of driving, we arrive at some beach

"what are we doing here?"

"we're having a picnic. Trust me it will be fun"

"But I'm going to be cold" I whine

"you'll be okay. now come on we're going to be late"

"late? it's a picnic"

"I know ugh just come on please"

"Okay okay"

we get out of the car and walk down to a grass area where there's already stuff set out for us

"aw, Corbyn it's so cute! did you do this!"

"yup now sit down I'm starving"

we start to eat and talk about moving in together when it starts to get dark

"The sky's so pretty," I say

"I know, just like you. come here" he lays down and I lay on top of him

"I'm so in love with you" I whisper kissing him

"I'm in love with you too. I have to ask you, something baby"


he reaches into his back pocket and takes out a small box

"ever since we've met I've been in love with you. I've never felt so strongly for someone before. Years ago you could've told me I'd be with a beautiful girl with 6 kids and id tell
you you're crazy. but now being with you makes everything worth it. Savannah, will you marry me"

"oh my god yes I will!" I kiss him again and I hear laughing and awes from behind me

"turn around" he whispers

I turn around and see all of my children running over to me


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