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"Mommy I'm scared," Hunter says walking over to me

I'm 7 months pregnant and we have moved into the new house and so far everyone loves it

"what are you scared about?"

"well once my brother comes I won't be your baby anymore, he will be"

"oh baby come here" he sits on my lap "you'll always be my baby boy okay hunter I promise you"

"are you going to have any more babies after?"

"I think I'm done I have enough."

"do you love us"

"oh of course. I love every single one of you and I always will. and I love my new baby too."

"I hope he likes me... what's his name gonna be"

"me and daddy think we're going to name him after your other daddy"

"my other daddy?"

"mhm remember I told you before you were too young to understand"


"well, you're two now so I think you're ready to learn. do you want to know"


"Okay so I used to have another husband named Carter who is yours, Elliana's, and Jordan's biological dad but sadly he died a few months after you were born"

"oh... what about Hayden, Zach, and Rae?"

"well they're adopted"

"ohhhh. wait but I thought Corbyn was my daddy"

"he is too. once me and him are married it will be official. do you remember meeting him"

"no, not really. how'd you meet"

I tell him the whole story about me and Corbyn meeting and leave out the bad parts and when I look at him he's asleep in my arms

I kiss his forehead and bring him up to his room

"you'll forever be my baby" I whisper leaving the room

when I leave Hayden comes inside

instead of going to college, he is working for another band in corbyns bands label

"hey mom"

"Hi honey how was work"

"it was good. I met some new people today. they asked how I knew Corbyn and I didn't really know what to say"

"so what did you say"

"I just said he's marrying my mom. I would've said he's my dad or my stepdad but I don't know how he'd feel if he heard I called him that"

"he would be happy. you know he always tells me he wonders if you'd ever call him dad"

"he wants me to?"

"oh yeah definitely. he just doesn't want to ask you cause he doesn't know how YOU would feel. I swear you guys are the same"

"I think I'll ask him today. so how's the baby"

"he's good moving a lot. so Hunter just was downstairs and was saying he was nervous I wasn't going to think he's my baby once this one comes. were you ever nervous I wasn't going to love you the same"

"a little bit. our biological dad used to tell us that every time he had a new kid he lost love for one of us. so every single time I thought he hated me more and more. when I met you guys and you kept having kids I thought I was never going to be loved by you guys"

"aw, Hay I'm so sorry you felt that. I've always loved all of you the same way and I still do. even though you may not be mine biologically you'll always be one of my baby boys. I love you"

"I love you too"

I hug him and he kisses my cheek

"thank you for always being there for me mommy"
"Can we ask you something Corbyn?" Hayden says walking over to me and Corbyn with Zach and Rae

Corbyn just came home from work and we've just been watching tv

"Yeah, what's up?"

"well uh as you obviously know you're marrying our mom, like very soon," Zach says


"okay and that would make you our stepdad" Rae adds

"yes that would"

"so you can obviously say no to us but we were all wondering if maybe we could call you dad instead of Corbyn? again you can say no but we-"

"of course you guys can!" Corbyn excitedly says with a smile cutting them off "in fact I've been waiting for this moment all my life! well since I started dating your mom"

"are you sure you don't mind," Hayden asks

"oh, 100% sure! the twins and hunter call me it so of course, I don't mind"

"well that was easier than we thought"

"can I just say that I told you guys he wouldn't care? oh and I told you Corbyn that they'd want to call you dad. looks like I'm right once again"

"yes baby you're always right with everything"

"thank you. you know in all seriousness I have the best life ever"

"oh really?"

"mhm I have the best kids in the universe, the hottest soon-to-be husband on the planet, everyone in my family loves each other, everything's perfect. I love all of you. all we need now is a cute little puppy"

"let's have this baby first Sav and then worry about that"
The End

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