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I really like Savannah

She is super nice, extremely beautiful, and she's so good with her kids

speaking of her kids I love them so much especially her second youngest son Jordan

he always tells me that I'm his best friend and he wants me to be his dad

I would love to be his dad and be there for that whole family but I can't tell if Savannah even likes me

I was trying to figure that out last night when we were kissing but we had to stop

I hope she likes me

I got to my house a few minutes ago and now I'm trying to sneak in so my friends don't see me come in

it's hard because it's 10:30 and they're normally all around the house

I look through the window and when I see no ones around I walk in

"So where were you last night," Jonah says and I scream in shock

I had no idea he was there so he scared me

"what the fuck jonah! you could've killed me!"

"Okay so... where were you last night"

"I went to a friends house and slept over why do you care"

"We were all wondering... so who's this friend," he says with a smirk

none of the boys know about me and Savannah's friendship

all they know is I like someone. I'm planning on surprising them with her at my party... if she can come

"he's an old friend you guys wouldn't know him"

"hmm what's HIS name"


"Are you sure"

"yes... stop interrogating me you're annoying"

"whatever go text your girlfriend," he says smiling

"I don't have a girlfriend"

"Right..." he laughs and I roll my eyes walking away

he's so annoying and thinks he knows everything

I mean he kind of does know but still! he should wait till I'm ready

I lay down on my bed and go on my phone seeing that Savannah texted me

S- hey Corbyn let me know when you get home

and she cares about me wow

C- hi I got home a few minutes ago

S- good. so I talked to a few of my kids and they said they wanted to come to your party. I told them you wanted them to go

C- oh cool... isn't your daughter a fan

S- oh yeah a super fan. when I told her about it she freaked out and said she was excited cause she could finally meet you guys. anyways Jordan misses you

C- really?

S- mhm he told me that he wants you to sleep over every weekend

C- I'd do that... your bed is so comfortable

S- I'm glad you think that. with all these children and activities I have to do by myself I needed a good bed

C- well you do have one. so do you have a plan for Christmas with your kids

S- for dinner family's coming over for gifts that's another story

C- what do you mean?

S- well I'm trying to have the money to get everyone actual good gifts but that's not working out because they all want these super expensive things it's just hard

c- oh I'm sorry... would you be open to letting me help you get a job

S- I wouldn't want you to have to waste your time finding me one

C- well my band is looking for someone as somewhat of an "assistant"

S- what would I do?

C- I don't know honestly I just know we're looking for one. and I know they're paying a lot plus you'd be able to bring Hunter

S- how would I apply?

C- well on my birthday they'll be there... I can introduce you to them

S- that would be good... well I have to go stop a fight I'll text you later

C- good luck bye!

I put my phone down and my door opens

"someone's here for you," Zach tells me walking in

"um, who?"


"Zach just tell me"


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