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"Ellianna put that down!"

"no it's my best friend!" she says running back outside

"ugh it's a worm" I groan

its been a few days since Corbyn slept over and he hasn't messaged me since

it's upsetting because I don't know what I did... I hope I didn't scare him away

as I lay down on the couch I get a call from my sister

"What happened between you and Corbyn?" she asks before I get to even say hi

"uh, nothing why?"

"he's hanging out with his ex again Savanah what happened"

"literally nothing. I mean like 3 days ago he slept over and invited me to his birthday thing"

"oh my god... did you guys fuck!"

"Woah no way my children were home"

"Okay so are you still going to his birthday"

"I have no idea he hasn't messaged me back. the last thing I said was good morning the day after. how do you know he's with his ex?"

"I'm befriending Jack again and I see it"

"oh... do you think I'm still invited to the party. he asked me to be a date"

"yikes... I don't know"

"that would suck, I already told the kids about it"

"I can ask?"

"please do I want to know. well I have to go stop Ellie from making a house for a worm"

"Should I even ask?"

"nope she just came inside and screamed 'look mommy I have a new best friend'"

"aw she's adorable well go have some fun"

"oh the most," I say and hang up

I try to lay down but as soon as I do Haydens walking downstairs and walking over to me

"Hey mom can I go to my friend's house"

"sure do I have to bring you"

"yeah if you could"

"I guess just tell me when"

"right now?"

"ugh, I want to take a nap I'm so tired. but okay can you get the twins and Hunter for me"

"Why are you tired?"

"cause I have 6 wonderful, but loud kids that I take care of all alone. I love doing it and I love you guys but it makes me so tired"

"I can have my friend pick me up instead I just asked you cause normally you do"

"it's fine ill stop being lazy and get up"

"no no you're tired ill have them pick me up just take a nap"

"Are you sure i-"

"yes, mom I'm sure. we don't like it when you're tired you get angry with us more"

"oh sorry"

"it's fine do you want me to get Hunter and bring him to you?"

"yes please. thank you for letting me sleep"

"of course"

he walks away and I finally get to nap

I really hope Corbyn texts me soon his party is in 3 days and I really need to know what's going on

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