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"MOM ARE YOU OKAY," Hayden says from outside of my room

"Corbyn Corbyn stop" I whisper and he stops kissing me

I thought no one was home or otherwise, I would not have just fucked Corbyn

I'm honestly not surprised that his ex wanted him one more time, he's fucking amazing at this

I don't want to admit it but we have been having sex for three hours and now that I think of it I did hear the downstairs door open

in my defense, Corbyn was so good that I was kind of too loud to hear anything else going on around me


"no you were just screaming I was worried"

"Sorry but yeah I'm fine,"

"okay well good night mom... and Corbyn," he says laughing loudly

"fuck he heard" I groan

"well Sav you were very loud"

"shut up it's your fault"

"So sorry I'll get worse at sex next time"

"thank you it's greatly appreciated"

"so what does this mean for us"

"I don't know. whatever you want it to mean"

"well, what do you want us to be. I really really like you Savannah. I know it would obviously be a huge adjustment in my life suddenly going from alone and single to having a girlfriend with 6 kids but it's an adjustment I'd be absolutely happy with"

"again I really don't know. I'm just too scared to be with you or really anyone. I know my kids love you which is the problem I don't want them to love you so much and then you just leave. my older kids have already been through so much with father figures and I don't want them to deal with more heartbreak from that. and with my little kids they'd look to you as their only dad they've ever had and I can't let them have that either"

"I completely understand and I just have to say I admire how dedicated you are to your kids. and I know myself and I know I would be too. I don't want them to be hurt either"

"Would we be able to take things slow? I like you but I'm not ready for a relationship right now"

"of course we can. now I remember the reason I came here, you haven't been sleeping. I think it's time you to get your sleep"

"wow is this your excuse to get to leave"

"well, I was actually hoping we could sleep together, well in the other way."

"oh well, I guess so. the last time I slept well was with you"

"exactly so come here," he says opening his arms

I get closer to him and he hugs me

"you're really pretty," he says kissing my forehead

"thank you," I say slowly falling asleep

he puts a blanket around us and I turn around

"goodnight Savannah, I'm willing to wait for you for whenever you're ready. even if it takes a million years" he whispers putting his arm on my shoulder and kissing my neck

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