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"MOMMY! MOMMY!" Jordan screams from outside my door

I groan and get up

I look over at my bed and Corbyn is still sleeping

I go over to my door and open it

"Woah Woah Woah Jordan why are you screaming," I say tiredly picking him up

"I wanna say morning to my mommy but your door was locked"

"I'm sorry baby. Corbyn slept over and I didn't want to wake him up"

"ooo Corbyn's here can I see"

"he's still sleeping though"

"oh well I still wanna see him"

he jumps out of my arms and walks over to my bed

"Corbyn wake up" he whispers

Corbyn slowly sits up and wipes his eyes

I walk away into the next room to wake up Hunter and when I come back to change him I hear them have a conversation

"hi, Corby... can I call you Corby?"

"of course how did you sleep"

"really really good. I tried to come to sleep with mommy but her room was locked but then I went into Ellie's bed and we cuddled all night"

"aw that sounds nice"

"did you cuddle with my mommy?"

"hey that's a secret I don't cuddle and tell"

"aw man, I want to know the secret!"

"Okay will you tell anyone"

"uh-uh no"

"well I did"

"ooo isn't she a great cuddler"

"oh, she was. you're lucky to have such an amazing mom you know that"

"mhm, she's the best, prettiest, nicest, mommy in the whole entire world. I love her so much"

"good can you do something for me"


"make sure your mommy knows that you feel that way about her."


"sometimes us grown-ups need to hear that people love us. and especially your mom she has all your little ones and she needs to know how special she is"

"okay Corby ill make sure she knows. can you do something for me?"

by now I am in tears

that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me

and he's right I do like hearing that they love me

"Sure what is it"

"make my mommy happy and be my daddy one day"

"hmm I can try but I can't make any promises"

"why not?"

"well if your mom doesn't want me to be your daddy I can't force her. I would love to be your dad but it's really up to your mom"

"aw, man. do you like my mom"

"I do but don't tell her. I think she's really beautiful"

"ooo you have a crush"
"Thank you for letting me stay over last night," Corbyn tells me

we just ate breakfast and now he has to leave

"of course. I couldn't let you be all stranded."

"well again thank you. so I'm not sure if you know this but my birthday is on the 25th and I know it's also Hunter's birthday BUT I'm having a small party on the night before and I wanted to invite you."

"What kind of party?"

"just a few people over to like eat dinner and stuff. it's uh kind of a bring a date type thing and hopefully you could be mine um, of course, you don't HAVE to be it I was j-"

"if I can find a babysitter I'll definitely come and I'll definitely be your date," I say cutting him off

"oh great! amazing! you could even bring them if you can't find one"

"that wouldn't be necessary"

"well I'm still friends with Gabbie maybe I should invite her and Lavender so then your little ones can play with her. and your olders are fine too"

"I'll definitely ask them"

"yay! well I think I have to go to a meeting so I guess I um I should go home"

"okay text me when you get back"

"Okay I will... uh can we I um kiss you," he says shyly looking down

"of course"

we walk over to my door and I look around to see if any of my children are walking around

suddenly Corbyn is kissing me and of course, I kiss back, smiling into the kiss

we pull away and he gives me a hug

"bye," he whispers and leaves

I shut the door and smile widely

"mommy why are you smiling... you look weird"

annnd I am snapped out of my happiness with Ellianna

"I'm happy baby"

"But why"

"cause I have the best babies in the world"

"you just think about us randomly... you weird mommy"

"no Ellie you're weird. well do you want some breakfast"

"ooo yeah!"

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